Battery Issues
Draining Quickly, Dies Quickly
If your iPhone is having trouble holding a charge for a full day or even a full hour, check out our iPhone Battery Draining Fast page for details on the possible causes and solutions.
Won't Charge
If you plug your iPhone in but the charging symbol is not displayed or if your battery level doesn't appear to be going up, use our iPhone Not Charging page to solve your problem.
Slow Charge
If the battery level on your phone is going up, but the rate is extremely slow, try out the iPhone Slow Charge page for help.
Screen Issues
Black Screen
If the screen on your iPhone is completely black and the phone is otherwise showing signs of life, check out the iPhone Black Screen page.
Frozen Screen
If the screen on your your phone is displaying an image but is frozen and not responding to input from the screen or buttons, use the iPhone Frozen Screen page for help.
Touchscreen Unresponsive
If the screen on your iPhone isn't responding to touch input, but still displays and image and responds to button presses, the iPhone Unresponsive Touchscreen page should offer a solution.
Ghost Touch
If your iPhone is responding to touch input that you didn't do or is behaving erratically (as if a ghost was swiping it), find a solution on the iPhone Ghost Touch page.
Lines on Screen
If your iPhone is showing bright, dark, or colorful lines across the screen where they shouldn't be, the iPhone Lines on Screen page should be able to help.
Backlight Not Working
If your screen functions normally but is just dark all the time, and if adjusting the screen brightness in the settings has no effect, find a solution on the iPhone Backlight Not Working page.
Won't Turn On
If your iPhone simply won't turn on, try our iPhone Won't Turn On page.
If your iPhone displays some signs of life (like being recognized when plugged into a computer, "seen" by other bluetooth devices, or making sounds/vibrations) but nothing appears on the screen, try our iPhone Black Screen page instead.
If your iPhone is charging but won't turn on, try our iPhone is Charging but Won't Turn On page.
Boot Issues
Continual Restarts
If your iPhone is stuck in a loop where it keeps restarting over and over again, check out our iPhone Keeps Restarting page.
Random Shut Offs
If your iPhone shuts off unexpectedly at seemingly random times (it isn't due to low battery, heat, or freezing temperatures), try our iPhone Randomly Shuts Off page for help.
Stuck on Apple Logo
If your iPhone continually gets hung up on the Apple logo while trying to turn on, you should be able to find a solution on our iPhone Stuck on Apple Logo page.
Home Button / Volume Buttons
If your iPhone's home button isn't responding to input, check out the iPhone Home Button Not Working page.
If your home button functions, but the Touch ID functionality isn't, use our iPhone Touch ID Not Working page for help.
If the problem instead lies with unresponsive volume buttons, our iPhone Volume Buttons Not Working page should provide some help.
Camera Issues
Black Screen
If your camera is showing no image when you open the app, try our iPhone Camera Black Screen page.
Blurry Images
If your camera is just producing blurry images, or if the image in the viewfinder is always blurry, use the iPhone Blurry Camera page instead.
iPhone getting hotter than normal, even on cooler days? Use our iPhone Overheating page to alleviate the problem.
Invalid SIM / No SIM / SIM Not Recognized
Any issues with the SIM card on your iPhone can be solved using our iPhone Invalid or No SIM page.
Connection Issues
If your phone is having trouble making or maintaining a WiFi connection, our iPhone Won't Connect to WiFi page should help you solve the problem.
If your iPhone can't make a Bluetooth connection, isn't recognizing your Bluetooth device, or isn't showing up as an available Bluetooth device, check out our iPhone Bluetooth Not Working page for assistance.
Sound Issues
If your iPhone isn't making a peep, or if sound is intermittent, take a look at our iPhone No Sound page.
Error Messages
Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector
If you're receiving this error persistently on your iPhone, use our iPhone Liquid Detected in Lightning Connector page for help.
Kernel Panics
Other error messages found on the iPhone can be found on our iPhone Kernel Panics page.
Apps Not Downloading
If you're having trouble downloading apps on your iPhone, try using our Apps Not Downloading page to find a solution.
20 comentários
Phone is ridiculously slow at loading contacts, finding contacts. Constantly freezing. 3 times to Apple support. Once in store. Told me to wait for a software update. No progress. This happened from day one on a brand new phone. 3 months later no progress. Apple do not seem keen to offer new phone. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
Jon harrod - Responder
The ringer volum won’t stay up . I raise the volumn and it immediately goes back to off as I’m watching. Apple store re set my phone but it didn’t help. Tech said if that didn’t work it probable was a hardware issue and the phone would have to be replaced. Any suggestions?
is this a common problem with the XR?
Terry Miller - Responder
my iphone xr microphone is not working during phone calls.. although siri still working and mic works while recording a video but doesnt work on voice memos? is it my mic or software glitch ? any ideas ??
Mario 817 - Responder
Back in April I had put my phone was on the wireless charger, to begin updating it while I slept. I woke up to a looping phone. I put it in restore mode and it has been stuck there ever since. I have tried everything I could find on Apple forums, Reddit, Google, I purchased IMyFone, and purchased new MFI thunderbolt cables and adapters. I cannot tell if it is a lost cause, but it actually has made progress in how far the restore has gotten before giving me error codes too! it is a mint condition Iphone XR and I can’t seem to give it up. I refuse to pay Apple $424 for their own defect and any advise you can give is greatly appreciated.
Nikki Sharp - Responder
iphone xr seems dead. If charging cable is plugged, it shows red battery logo but stayed there forever. Once time I managed to do up volume —> down volume —> power button multiple times and got it to show apple logo (attempting to start) but then it got stucked in a loop, keep showing apple logo every few mins.
Albert Eistein - Responder
I am having exact same issue, did you managed to fix it? or identify what is wrong with it?
The One Hong阿康 -
iPnone XR suddenly won’t charge fully. After reset, displays Important Battery Message: Unable to verify this iPhone has a genuine Apple battery. Health information not available for this battery. Then, the iPhone won’t charge fully up, no matter what. Stats on battery life percentage become unreliable. This phone charged fine for the first two days I had it, before update to iOS 14.0.1.
meltim - Responder
Update. Changed charger cord and source to Lightening cord connected to Mac USB high speed port. It’s synchronized fully. It is SLOW charging at a 1% increment every 10 minutes just sitting there with a dark screen. At this rate it’s estimated that IF it ever does reach 100%, it will be 3.5 more hours to complete.
meltim - Responder
My iPhone XR jumps from scream to screen. it’s done this since day one. It has 20 minutes of use on it. I sent it back to Apple and they did nothing for me. I did nothing to this phone.
Cath - Responder
My Iphone10xr connect to my truck then after about two minutes it disconnects and causes my audio system to reboot. I have established it is my phone causing the trouble through process of elimination using other iphones as well as taking my truck to the garage and having it checked Can anyone help me. I have already turned my iphone and bluetooth off and on again several times.
chervw - Responder
iPhone XR A2108 does it support 2sim card reader
Emrah Shahdag - Responder
my screen flickers and glitches and theres a black dot in the left corner how do i fix it HELP
jac locke - Responder
also its been water damaged
jac locke - Responder
Hello recently my phone start doing annoying thing like when I’m trying to get a screen shot my screen goes black and I need to put it in the charge to open again is like turning off don’t know and I can’t power it up from the button I have to put it in the charge , any solution?
Αλέξανδρος Παπαδόπουλος - Responder
Iphone xr sya sering restar sndri mhon bantuannya panic full
{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2022-12-28 16:55:06.00 +0800","os_version":"iPhone OS 16.1.2 (20B110)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"C209C3A0-44D4-4489-8EAD-6CF21121EF07"}
"build" : "iPhone OS 16.1.2 (20B110)",
"product" : "iPhone11,8",
"socId" : "0x00008020",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 22.1.0: Thu Oct 6 19:33:53 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8792.42.7~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8020",
"incident" : "C209C3A0-44D4-4489-8EAD-6CF21121EF07",
"crashReporterKey" : "d8e92b1e772abfdc7e41fb1191660165b819381b",
"date" : "2022-12-28 16:55:06.99 +0800",
"panicString" : "panic(cpu 3 caller 0xfffffff014827144): \"AppleSocHot: Hot Hot Hot (89240E7A\/5790 89540DB3\/5479 09320E2D\/0 88E20FE5\/6357 889D1160\/6950 875217FA\/9590 880314B1\/8276 84D223DA\/14340 88A51134\/6881, Ids 26\/8\/52\/27\/8\/3\/1\/0\/1, Perf 100\/100)\" @AppleSocHot.cpp:608\nDebugger message: panic\nMemory ID: 0xff\nOS release type: User\nOS version: 20B110\nKernel version: Darwin Kernel Versi
Apri - Responder
Xr how to icloud unlocking
Charitha de silva - Responder
La pomme reste affiché sur l’écran et ne veux pas s’allume
Aziz ait mebarek - Responder
we should be able to all sue apple for selling a flawed product then expecting us to just keeping buying more products from them than for them to actually fix the issue.
Ms.Official Boss - Responder
Mi iPhone está bloqueado por iCloud, por favor díganme cómo lo puedo desbloquear. Gracias
Jorge Ruiz Herrera - Responder
I can't call or text. My wifi connection is working but no bars are lit up. My apps all open and I can listen to radio stations.
David Barone - Responder