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Estas são algumas ferramentas comuns usadas para executar trabalhos neste dispositivo. Talvez você não precise usar todas elas em cada procedimento.
A typical desktop PC is any PC that resides in a single location and does not have user interface components built within the system, such as a keyboard, mouse, or monitor. This does not include any laptops or all-in-one PCs.
Desktop PCs are commonly enclosed in cases known as "towers," which are generally rectangular boxes that are taller than they are wide. The weight of a desktop PC can range from 5 to 50 lbs depending on the components inside and depending on the material and size of its case.
The core components of a desktop PC include a power supply unit, a motherboard, a central processing unit (CPU), a graphical processing unit (GPU), RAM (Random Access Memory), and a hard drive.
If you have a prebuilt PC, navigate to System Information in Settings in order to determine model name and number.