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Hi: I have the Keystone Dehumidifier Model KSTAD70B, it is very similar to the ‘A’ version. It has recently started...
Saiba maisHi: I`ve asked 3 or 4 questions pertaining to no backlight after installing a new display. I also saw where someone stated...
Saiba maisHi: My iPhone 6 is missing a backlight filter (near FPC connector?), I do not need to remove the motherboard from the...
Saiba maisHi: While replacing a defective display (still had a working back-light) the back-light stopped working. The new screen...
Saiba maisHi: I admit I may have damaged an iPhone 6 motherboard by mistakenly placing a slightly longer screw there at the display...
Saiba maisHi: I received an LG G5 model VS987 phone. It was reported the power button did not function but on closer inspection I...
Saiba maisHi: From what I am finding it seems all LG G5 LCD/Digitizer units (No Frame) are interchangeable between the models (H820...
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Hi: To fix my unit I did replace the power relay but I really believe the fix was simply cleaning the contacts of the sensor that fits in a holder in front of the fins. From the back mine was on the left side. It was during my 2nd attempt to fix mine that I realized the connector & pins for the sensor are of poor quality, they should be gold plated. After using “Deoxit Gold” on the contacts the unit has run without further issues. If you need more detail for finding the connection (in the steel covered box) please let me know and I will see what I can dig up. I also have a second power relay I bought if you want to try that route. Tom
Saiba maisAfter careful examination of iPhone 6 motherboard pictures (at the display connectors) I believe I see where a component was knocked off of my motherboard (see picture pointing out missing picture). Using a video as a guide I see approximately 0.5 ohms at the right pad of the missing component to ground. This reading is not found at the connector. Continuity exists between the end/bottom pin of the connector and the left pad of the missing component. Should that component be a resistor or coil? I believe the part designation is FL2024
Saiba maisHi: I now realize the LCD/Display is working, it is the back-light that is not. No motherboards damage due to the screws! Now on to how to fix the back-light problem. THanks!
Saiba maisHi: I have run into the same “dead screen” issue after installing a new screen, I even installed the original home button. The issue occurred before I replaced the five screws in the shield over the screen connectors so that would not be the initial failure. HOWEVER, I did pick up a 1.5 mm screw in place of a 1.2 mm screw when first installing the shield. Would that small increase in length have damaged the board? I also replaced the battery before replacing the screen and the old screen worked good enough to confirm the battery seemed to be OK. Lastly, even though the screen is dead I can get the phone to vibrate indicating it is operating to some extent BUT in never connects to iTunes. This phone is not in my account but can iTunes at least recognize it? … This is my biggest issue at this point, and would really appreciate suggestions to get that resolved so the owner can get their data copied from the phone. Many Thanks!
Saiba maisI replaced the rubber piece for the front proximity sensor and the sensor still did not work. BUT, I did notice the screen front top was starting to pull away from the other layers. I carefully used super glue on the edges to reattach the the top layer to the lower layers, and sure enough the proximity sensor is working well again. Obviously there are many ways the proximity sensor can be made dis-functional.
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