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Postagem: Resposta para "How the heck do I fix the power dongle?"
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Reputação: 25


How the heck do I fix the power dongle?

First, thanks for the site - bought a Torx set and got the back of the Evo open. My problem has to do with where the power cord - either a wall adapter or car adapter - attaches to Evo. I don't even know what to call the little piece the adapter slides into. BUT. That particular piece has broken off on my Evo. I can see where it goes, and where the connection points have to meet - but it clearly requires solder to repair. Right now the little metal receptor that is normally IN the phone stays on the end of my power adapter and I use rubber bands and voodoo to keep the charging connection active.

Suggestions? Any way for me to re-secure that thing?

Reputação: 157


I imagine you are talking about the power connector, which can be seen in this photo:

... bottom right, immediately below the vibration motor.

It's a surface mount component. If the board where it connects, and the loose power socket, are both undamaged, it probably could be resoldered back on with a hot air gun and a lot of care, much like soldering in SM IC's. A soldering iron will not be able to do this, it will just mess everything up. If you don't have the tools to repair this, a good repair shop could do it for you.

err, here is an amateur showing how it's done.