Replacing Capacitor with a slightly less capacitance
My old Candy Microwave has a 1.2uF 2100V Capacitor. I could not find a replacement with the same capacitance, but only one with 1.14 uF 2100V. Would it be OK to replace with that one?
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Reputação: 25
My old Candy Microwave has a 1.2uF 2100V Capacitor. I could not find a replacement with the same capacitance, but only one with 1.14 uF 2100V. Would it be OK to replace with that one?
Reputação: 91
The value of the capacitor is not that critical, it does not effect the resonant frequency of the magnetron. Using that capacitor will give you slightly less power but you wont notice the difference. The voltage rating should be at least as much as the origional capacitor. I repaired Microwave ovens for 30 years.
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