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Postagem: Resposta para "Image DVD (ISO) isn't recognised"
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Image DVD (ISO) isn't recognised


for Bootcamp I did burn the ISO on a DVD (Using Nero). In the past the iMac (27" EMC 2390) didn't had a problem to recognize it (although it did cost sometimes several attempts before it actually did start to run). Now I get the pop-up the DVD is empty. A movie DVD works perfect as well as a CD. Did burn the ISO again with the same result... Could this be caused by a dirty laser?

I would like to thank you for your advice.

Kind regards,



Help us help you.

The more complete the description of your problem is (though it 's clear to you - you've omitted much crucial information such as what OS you're using, there's a lot of those, was the ISO verified as correct after burning? ) the more assistance we can provide, and, the sooner we can provide it.

Have you tried different media or using a slower burn speed -often useful in solving Optical Disk Burn/read problems.

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