I don't understand my LED reading
According to my Fitbit App on my iPhone, my Fitbit Flex is fully charged, but when I double tap it, I get two lights in two different positions that flash three times. What does that mean?
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According to my Fitbit App on my iPhone, my Fitbit Flex is fully charged, but when I double tap it, I get two lights in two different positions that flash three times. What does that mean?
Reputação: 687,8 mil
Flex tracks sleep automatically without any action on your part. If you want to know how long it takes you to fall asleep, put Flex into sleep mode manually. To do so, tap it rapidly for one or two seconds until it vibrates and shows two slowly dimming lights. Throughout the night, two blinking lights will alternate. To exit manual sleep mode in the morning, rapidly tap Flex. It will vibrate, flash all five lights three times, and then display a spinning light pattern.
These light patterns apply to manual sleep mode only. If you let Flex automatically detect your sleep, you won't see any special light patterns during the night.
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