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Background and Identification
The Craftsman’s leaf blower 315CR2100 is a portable cordless leaf blower. The device is currently $84.99. The intended audience for this device is gardeners or anyone that wants an outdoor area clean by gathering all the trash in one place and moving it somewhere else. Gardeners would use this device to move debris like leaves or grass savings.
People are often satisfied with this product. People have praised it for its ease of use, lightweight, and 19.2-volt battery. The 19.2-volt battery allows it to swap with other Craftsman’s tools that use the same size battery. However, the leaf blower does not come without faults. People have said this is not a powerful leaf blower and, quite frankly, outdated.
The Craftsman’s leaf blower 315CR2100 has a black tube and a black handle body. The Craftsman’s logo on the product is located on the upper part of the tube and the middle of the body. The Craftsman logo is a red rectangle with a black border and the word Craftsman in white.
Source: eBay reviews for Craftsman’s leaf blower 315CR2100
Technical Specifications
Length: 34 inches
Width: 6 inches
Height 10.5 inches
Weight: 3 pounds
Max Air Speed: 140 miles per hour
Flow Rate Air Volume: 166 cubic feet per minute
Battery Charge Time: 1 hour
Battery Voltage: 19.2 Volts
Power Type: 110 V Electric
Source: Craftsman’s leaf blower Specs
Additional Information
This page provides detailed information and specifications for this product.
This page provides a manual for the product.
Official Craftsman Leaf Blower Page
This page provides useful information about leaf blowers made from the same manufacture.
Craftsman 315.CR2100 Owners Manual