Arturia Microbrute Opening Procedure
Perguntas populares do fórum
Fazer uma perguntaNão há nenhuma pergunta. Seja o primeiro a fazer uma pergunta!
Estas são algumas ferramentas comuns usadas para executar trabalhos neste dispositivo. Talvez você não precise usar todas elas em cada procedimento.
Background and Identifications
The MicroBrute is part of the hardware synthesizers "Brute" range from Arturia with siblings such as the DrumBrute, MiniBrute, PolyBrute, or MatrixBrute.
It features a monophonic analogue synthesizer with four oscillators, a signal enhancer for each oscillator, an LFO, an ADSR envelope, a 2-octave mini keyboard, and some additional extras.
Technical Specifications
- Mono-/Polyphony - 1 voice
- Oscillators - 4 (Overtone, Sawtooth, Square, Triangle)
- Patterns - 8 sequencer patterns (up to 64 steps per pattern)
- Filter - Cutoff (LP, BP, HP), Resonance, and Brute Factor
- Keyboard - 25-note mini keyboard
- Effects - Pitch wheel, Mod wheel, Glide, LFO, ADSR, mini-patch bay (3.5mm)
- In/Out - MIDI (in; 5-pin DIN), pitch (in), Gate (in/out), Line (in/out; 6.3mm), headphone out (3.5mm),