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Bob, I just had this issue, look on the top of the opener - check the sprocket that pulls the chain, is it bent/cocked? If so, there’s a gear assembly inside that probably isn’t driving the up/down limit sensor…the nice part is that Sears made these VERY repairable, and you can order a new gear/sprocket part for about $14 - and it will be whisper quiet. Here’s a link to an Amazon part that fixed my 2000 door opener, check your manual for the specific part. Reach out to me if you have specific questions.
Saiba maisI'd test a couple things: 1.) Use brand new batteries (just to isolate the issue) if the old ones are ok, you can always put them back in. 2.) Put the unit in the same room as the receiver (1) If the bars increase, then you might have an interference issue. I would move the sensor further and further away from the receiver until the bars drop. And that'll be your culprit: maybe there’s a wall with a lot of metal (ducts, wiring, etc.), or there’s a big electric motor running nearby (HVAC, old refrigerator, large CRT TV, etc.), or there’s a faulty appliance creating interference (microwave oven, etc.). (2) If it is interference, you may have to move one or both of the units. (3) If the bars do not increase, then you know there's something wrong with either the sensor or receiver. Acurite sells both the sensor and receivers separately: To be honest, if this is your only unit, it’s probably more economical to just replace the...
Saiba maisThe issue is with the temperature sensor wears out over time. It will drain batteries in a few days. Fortunately, Acurite sells a replacement board “AcuRite Iris (5-in-1) Temperature and Humidity Sensor Replacement” it is a cheap fix ~$13 + shipping. I changed my board out about 2 years ago and it's been working fine. Here's a link to order the part from Acurite: They will include the documentation on how to replace the board - it's a phillips screwdriver to open the sensor and the board simply unplugs. I've had to replace a couple parts on the sensor - the top fan also stopped working, this makes the temperature read higher than what it actually is. Overall, I've put $40 in replacement parts into the outdoor sensor, and I expect to get at least a few more years from it (the full replacement sensor is ~$100). I have to give...
Saiba maisYes, you can replace the fan - Acurite sells a "AcuRite Iris™ (5-in-1) Wind Cup Assembly Replacement" - it's $20 and it includes the solar powered fan as part of the assembly. All you will need is a philips screwdriver to replace the assembly (just keep the screws together). They will include a step-by-step replacement guide with the new part - it's really intuitive. BONUS - once you have it open, check and clean out any dirt/debris that may have accumulated + you can clean the top half of the sensor while you have it apart. If you are handy with a soldering iron and a multimeter I would suggest you check the solar panel and motor before replacing it - you might find there's a broken connection (Acurite engineered this to be modular - the solar panel + fan is an isolated circuit, you can remove it without affecting the other weather sensors).
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