- To build a PC, like my mom, and my 2 uncles did
- To disassemble anything I am allowed to disassemble and to post it on ifixit
- To record for YouTube
- To one day play WOW with my mom and do raids with her (I'd probably pick monk for the mobility (well I think because I see a lot of the monks have lots of mobility unless there's another class for that...))
- Steam
- ifixit
- To disassemble things
- To unscrew anything that has a Phillips screw or Flathead screw
- To get some custom parts on a list for a future build on PCPartPicker
- To watch YouTube
- To play Spiral Knights and Minecraft
- To watch my mom play WOW on her computer almost everyday and watch her get pissed off at her raid group for being ignorant (lol)
- To go on Noteflight and make some music
- Talking on Steam or Skype (I prefer Steam because it doesn't take up that much data as Skype does and because I have to use Steam for 90% on what I do on my laptop)
- To play on my PC
- A life
Guias para os quais contribuí
Guias concluídos
14 years old and growing... Currently wanting to disassemble a lot of things I own anything from Nerf guns to old consoles. I want to build my own PC, but I can't right now, so I'll have to stick to trying to find the time to take apart some computers laying around the house since I haven't done since I was 10. I will try to find the time to create some guides. So yeah... Enjoy...
Apple fan boys
We LOVE everything Apple. R.I.P. Steve Jobs
PC Doctor
Any problem regarding your PC and Laptop just visit my...
Kid fixers
Members of iFixit under 21.