Hi, my name is Lanhui, and I am an undergraduate student studying design and managerial economics at UC Davis. Upon graduation, I want to go into graduate school to get my Master of Architecture to become a professional architect.
Currently, at UC Davis, my design emphasis lies on industry design and lighting design. I am familiar with Rhino, 3D printing, laser cutting. In the past, I have 3D printed a lampshade, created a pendant using wet felting technique. With the variety of skills in product design, I am excited to utilize them into fixing an item; I am excited to learn more about technical writing through creating a FastFix Guide!
Guias para os quais contribuí
Lanhui Zhen
UC Davis, Team 3-5, Vidal-Chiesa Fall 2024
Tag da equipe: UCD-VIDAL-CHIESA-F24S3G5