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I have three identical 61 key Behringer UMX midi controllers that I used to build a home digital organ and the first one I...
Saiba maisI bought this very effective but cheap (inexpensive) USB insect zapper. It suddenly failed. I have an identical one and...
Saiba maisI need a pair of each of these gears but cannot source them. Can anyone help me source these gears? I found a S. American...
Saiba maisI need to replace the power supply board of a small LED TV. Can anyone help me find where to get it or perhaps an equivalent?
Saiba maisI have a universal adapter fitted with 2 USB ports. It has suddenly failed. LED light will not come on and both USB ports...
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I re-soldered the two ends of that resistor (across the capacitor). The left solder seemed rather deficient. Hey Presto! It is working! Now the proof is in the zapping! I confirm it is back doing what it's supposed to do. Lesson learnt: don't always blame cheap components blowing out; the fix may be as simple as resoldering (as for dry joints).
Saiba maisAnother thing I discovered is that the DVD that is included inside this TV is dead. Cables all in place. It is not that important as long as the TV works.... but.... knowing that the repair is not complete does irk me somewhat. I sprayed some silicon on the plastic gears. This had no effect.
Saiba maisI bought that alternative power supply. It had all the right voltages written on the reverse that tallied with the original. Got the TV to work. Thanks to you for guiding me along the way. I am a happy bunny!!!
Saiba maisNo clicks.... at least not that I can hear.
Saiba maisCan be more explicit, please? I am checking with 2 sellers on eBay re: PW120506. The two I found are not new. How did you come to this part number?
Saiba maisI took a closer look at the board. The pins are actually labelled! The two pins (white base): 250V N - L (power in I assume) The two orange connector pins are as follows: (1) smaller one: 12mm - 6 pins: 12V - 12V - on/off - ADJ - GND - GND (2) longer one: 25mm - 12 pins: 5V - 5V - 5V - GND - GND - GND - 12V - 12V - ON/OFF - ADJ - GND - GND
Saiba maisIf the power supply does not work, how can I gather that info? I dismantled the TV quite a while ago whilst trying to find a new board which I have not yet been successful in doing. I'll have to dig it back out if I know I can be guided towards a potentially successful repair. I do have a variable power source 3-24 volts. Can I use this to establish at what voltage the mainboard powers up?
Saiba maisPlug works as a normal adapter. It's just the USB ports that are dead. The other: I already replaced the capacitors: no change; and a resistor..... no change
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