Hi, I'm Raena Gaston and I am a sophomore at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
I am a biomedical engineering pre-med student with a minor in English. My dream is becoming a well rounded engineer who is prepared to take on any task. Some of my skills are communication, team work, and time management. One of my accomplishments is that I was able to read 10 books in one summer. I have many hands on work experience with building in school labs and work.
I'm apart of a few organizations on campus such as Women in Engineering and MASSIRG. Some of my hobbies are reading, watching shows, and spending time with family. This iFixit project relates to me by preparing me into the well rounded engineer I want to be. A fun fact is that I have a 9 month old Cockapoo, he's in my profile picture!
Meus Wikis
Raena Gaston
UMass Dartmouth, Team 3-4, Botvin Fall 2022
Tag da equipe: UMASSD-BOTVIN-F22S3G4