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Wheels on a motorcycle should be in line so that the centre of the rear wheel passes over the point on the road where the centre of the front wheel passed when travelling in a straight line. Motorcycles with chain drive usually have adjusters at the rear of the rear wheel spindle, that are used to pull the rear wheel backwards to tighten the chain, as it wears. I do not know this particular motorcycle, but it sounds to me that the chain has been adjusted by pulling the rear wheel spindle back ON ONE SIDE ONLY. This would have the effect of two tracks as the question implies. The answer is to balance the adjustment so that the rear wheel lines up with the front wheel. Unfortunately, if the motorcycle has shaft drive it is likely the frame is bent and needs the attention of the Honda dealer
Saiba maisI agree that it sounds as if there is a fuel shortage. Please check that air is able to go into the top of the fuel tank -this replaces the fuel as it is used. If the air hole is blocked, usually by polish, a partial vacuum is created above the fuel, causing the engine to stop.
Saiba maisTry cntl/alt/uparrow that might fix it.
Saiba maisI had a Canon camera that used a CF card, one of the pins got bent, and it gave me a similar problem. I used a wire wrap tool (Basically a very thin tube that fitted over the pin) to pull the pins straight. Suggest you look closely at the pins they should all be at the same pitch and not bent. Also it is possible when putting the CF card in, to push a pin inwards, so check that all the pins are the same length and that there are none broken off. If there is any discrepancy, I suggest returning it to who ever repaired it. I also suggest that you only remove the CF card when absolutely necessary. You can connect the camera to the computer to download files rather than take the CF out.
Saiba maisI would agree with professor C, but wonder if you have cleaned it recently? Is there a chance that polish has blocked the fuel tank vent?
Saiba maisDon’t know if this is true for HD, there has to be a vent in the top of the fuel tank to let air in as the fuel level goes down. If this vent gets blocked, the area above the fuel forms a partial vacuum. This restricts the fuel supply to the engine. Test , when you experience this problem, open and close the fuel cap and if there is a blockage, the engine will run normally.
Saiba maisI have a Hitachi DV 18DCL2 cordless drill that smoked, The main armature had shorted out. Found an exploded diagram on the web, and a new armature for about £20. Smoke usually means a short circuit somewhere and you can often smell it on the problem part. My view is: if its no good as it is, then take it apart and see if its fixable. Its a win win situation. If you fix it - Great! If you don't fix it you have learnt something!
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Where does pozidriv (PZ) fit in. I know its not Phillips, so seem to be another bit type?
I had a Hdd which I encrypted! Trouble was that the program had to be referred to when ever I started the computer. Guess where the data corrupted?
I won't be using encryption any time soon.