Your laptop may not have enough adequate contact between the heat sink and main processor. This is usually caused by a lack of thermal paste, or that there is air stuck in between the two components. To fix this problem, completely clean off any of the old thermal paste, then apply a bead of new thermal paste directly in the center of the processor. Finally, gently push the heat sink back in place and tighten screws in order to lock down the heat sink. Another common problem regarding overheating in laptops is usually that there is excessive dust and/or other materials stuck in the vents or fan. To fix this, use a can of compressed air to carefully blow any dust or materials off of the vents and fan. Finally, if you do not hear the fan running during use then it is likely that the fan may be broken or defective. In this case you will have to replace the fan within the laptop.
You may have the screen turned off which in that case you should attempt to turn it back on by using the function keys across the top of the keyboard. If that does not solve the problem then you may need to replace the screen altogether.