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It seems like a bootloop. Your iphone have problem with the new update, you can download a diffrent version of ios and downgrade it. The new update maby have a problem, and apple will fix it in time, until then you can try do plug your iphone to ituns, go to recovery and download a older version of ios. Like if you have ios 11.3 you see if you can download ios 11.1 or 11.2 and see if your problem is solved.
Saiba maisWhat system are you running on the pc? Most admin password can be reset tru the bios system, depending onnwhat system you are running, you press a key on your keyboard to open bios during start up. Most like F10, F12 och something like that. In the bios system you have to search where user data and password is. If you dont find it the easyest way is to reinstall the system, but that way you lose all your data on in.
Saiba maisWhat do you want to do back up on? The system, personal file och everything? Easyest way is to use a external harddrive and just copy your personal file on to it, but a hardrive/memory stick is not the safest way to do all the time as it can crash, you lose it or someone steal it. You can always save you data on a cloud servic, its not so hard and most cloud base company explain how you fo when you sign up for it. Depending on how safe you want to be two backups as best, one cloud/online and one external harddrive. Moste system have build in options for system backups, personal data you may have to chose yourself what to backup. There are free programs online to test what you like the most, and many programs you can do setups in so they auto backup folders on you pc to cloud/online or external harddrives. Its all depend on what system you are running or what you want to do backups on.
Saiba maisIf you remove the Bios battery for 10 sec it will restor Bios to original, with no password activate. But it request that you open the laptop in question. But it work on every PC, unplug the battery, a round flat metall plate, let it rest for around 10 sec before you plug in in. Make sure you have removd laptop battery before you open the laptop, and use the right tools for the operation. I hope it help! Good luck!
Saiba maisIts seems like that the case and they are the only providers of the ssd you need. Maby ebay have what you are looking for.
Saiba maisHave you try hard reset? Hold the power down and the volym button down at the same time anh hold it down until you see it restart. Hope it help!
Saiba maisThere is a guide on this site that show you how to teardown Ipod classic completly. iPod Classic Teardown You will need a few tools to do this, but if you are not new to this kind of work it will go fine for you
Saiba maisHave you turn it off, removed the battery and let it dry?
Saiba maisHave you unlocked the memory card itself? Try to formate the memory card on a laptop and then try to use it Update (09/09/2016): Did you format using the correct SD card formatting tool? You can it downloaded from Or you can try to do a hard reset on your camera. 1. Remove battery, Memory card, and lens for about 30 seconds 2. Reinsert just the lens and the battery, power the camera on ensure you are using an approved card: Answer Title: Approved SD cards for D5200 Answer Link: 3. The camera settings can be restored to default values by holding the "Menu" and "i" buttons down together for more than two seconds (these buttons are marked by a green dot). The information display turns off briefly while settings are reset. 4. Hit the menu button and select custom setting menu 5. Select "F" for controls and then "F4" labels " Slot empty release lock" 6. Highlight "Enable release" 7. Test camera with no card/ then reinsert the card and try again
Saiba maisYou can change that color depend on what the contact is for. For exampel, blue contacts can be all you work friends, green can be all your family and yellow is friends outside of work.
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Comentários do guia
I think the best part of this tear down was step 2, i really like it xD
Nice guide, a little hard sometime to see what you are doing as you open a black iphone, but great guide!