Ben is right. You should have a professional perform water damage recovery on the device. However, you can plug your iPhone into your laptop and retrieve the pictures manually. The device will appear in "My Computer" or "This PC" if you use a PC and it will look like a camera. Double click, select all, copy, paste somewhere on you computer. Done. The autoplay on a Windows PC will likely appear and ask if you if you want to remove the pictures, too. There are several ways to do this if your data connector still works. For future reference, don't place your water damaged device in rice. It just gets dust and contaminants in the phone. Turn it off immediately and take it to a repair shop. Water damage recovery is under $100.
The long answer is also, "no." Your iPod does not have a cellular chip in it, and you can't add one. You could make calls and send text messages on your iPod using several different WiFi calling apps, but you cannot make cellular calls or texts.
Kaye's answer was that the home button was not interchangeable, but the link he/she provided said the opposite. It looks like the home buttons are interchangeable, but as with other Touch ID home buttons, will not provide Touch ID functionality. Only the original home button on a Touch ID device will work 100%, but these will still click and perform the other home button functions.