How to fix Huawei P8 Lite Wi-Fi problem
Vá para o passo 1Follow this guide to potentially solve Wi-Fi issues for the Huawei P8 Lite.
1. go to developer options and select restore to default settings 2. in developer options ,only switch on "Developer Options " , "Stay awake" and "use legacy DHCP client" 3.Then in" Wi-Fi advanced settings" Network notifications "Off" Keep wi-fi on during sleep "Never" Set network connection method "Automatically connect"
this is my phones current setting and has stopped my issue
please comment if this has helped you with your problem
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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68 comentários
ca marche pas ya t il une autre solution
Admin tolong gimana wifi huawei p8lite saya kok hilang ngk?
l have problem allso my huawei p8 lite
wifi and bluetoth problem wen l turn on wifi is ok but wifi dont see konekcion also wen l go to wifi setinngs ip addrea unavailable.
can sombody help my to fix
also l tray all to fiz but nothing help.
Same problem with me
If you will fixed it
Please told me
Me also same problem in p8 lite
If you fix it the problem plz share with me
Ip address is not shown in my mobile and wifi is not turn on
Please give me suggestion and fix my problem
Le même problème que je souffre s'il vous plaît si vous trouvez une solution pour m'informer et merci
I have the same problem. Has anyone found a solution to this
any solution to this?
same here. maybe a hardware problem?
In Developer Options, where is "restore to default settings" and "use legacy DHCP client" ???
"" Set network connection method "Automatically connect" ": you mean Network Operators or Preffered Network Mode ???
Got probleme with p8 Huawei phone WiFi is not connecting were can I find the development option on the phone must I go to my settings . please I need help urgent .
I have that's problem why not WiFi and bluetooth not opened reply me
Send me screen shot because I not found developer option plz send me urgent or if you automatically solve my problem so solved it
Doesn't work
Still can't connect to WiFi
bt my wifi problem is not solve ...
ip address is not show on my phone wifi....whn i connect any wifi network thn wifi is not working and not connect..jst show save network ...tell me wha i do ?
p8 (ALE-121) is my phone
The same problem I thinnk it's hardware not a software
that’s right i was replace motherboard huawei p8 when my phone on 7 months old because my wifi not connection
Hi all!
If anyone have problem with wifi on Huawei smartphone can watch this video link below and i hope to fixed, worked for me…
Hi Nirajan, i’ve send an mail to you, please help
How I will fix my wifi not
I am bilal. I have Huawei p8 lite. My mobile phone have not working WiFi , Bluetootha and hotspot. I have many problems. Please ask me Answer what can. I do?
I have same problem with my Huawei p8 lite.
Wifi and Bluetooth not turning on, for 5days now. I've tried different options, but problem remain the same, can anyone help me??
My phone doesn't want to switch on Bluetooth and WiFi what must I do
Respected sir in My phone Network Notification has beeb stuck please tell me what to do plz ????
I cannot find. Developer mode , and. Leagacy and network connection automatically kindly guide via Screenshots. Tht will be more helpfull
por favor mi p8 lite no me funciona wifi ni bluetooth, me pueden colaborar?
ya realice lo de opciones de desarrollador, pero no se que mas debo hacer?
My phone same problem i cant connect on wifi how can i fix it
No wifi and Bluetooth help me please
wifi is not working
Wi find is not working
Wi find
WiFi Bluetooth Repair - HI1101 WIFI IC wi-fi Module chip For Replacement Huawei P8 P8 lite: http://got.by/2qj6am
WTF This happen to both Huawei Phones that I have… If this solution doesnt work… Hardware Issues maybe
Just buy another phone..
Never buy Huawei Phone Again…
Hi! Where can I find the network connection method? I have done all the steps except the last one since I was unable to find the netowrk connection method options. Thank you
It seems that many people are sharing the same problem, I suggest to ask the manufacturer to collect the cellphones and change the wifi/GPS antenna
After i went through all the steps i still cannot connect to my wifi.
Hello, my smartphone is Huawei P8 Lite too, and 7 months old, I experienced WiFi not connected because I went and I went to a Huawei service counter and the official replaced the motherboard device. and my officer said that the wifi problem was indeed a weakness of Huawei P8 Lite. and now after 2.5 years my phone has experienced the same thing again, while to replace the Huawei p8lite motherboard the price is quite expensive, buying a new smartphone is the solution.
Mon huawei P8 lite 2017 active bien le WiFi Direct … mais quand on veut l’utiliser, un message qui reste à l’écran 1/4 de seconde indique que pour l’instant, seules les échanges avec d’autres appareils huawei sont autorisées. et bien sûr, bien qu’on arrive sans aucun problème à établir la connexion avec d’autres appareils, comme mon Samsung, toute utilisation du transfert entre les deux machines échoue. bravo leur conception deu monde “OPEN” d’Androïd !!!
MY phone is conntecting and disconnecting randomly. Through out a single second.
Ces ou qu'on trouve les options développeurs sur la p8 lite
J ai le même problème je n'arrive pas a me connecter sur le wifi . Ça me fait connections enregistrer et cripte
my p8 lite doesnt show developer options
Meme probleme sur portable acheté d'occas pour noel a mon fils. Je suis dégouté de mettre fait avoir !!!
Huawei P8 Lite, ALE-L21, Dual SIM Wi-Fi a szobában működik. A konyhában jó jelerősség van minden hálózati hozzáférés, megtagadva üzenet fogadására. Szia. Tamás
I have a problem when I turn WiFi on and put in the password … it says saved,secured …but there is no connection after that … what can I do to solve the problem
There's no such thing as developer options on the Huawei p8 lite.
the.stoner.kiwi - Responder
Go to your 'about phone' option in settings and press 'build number's seven times and you'll have a message saying 'youre now a developer'. Press back and above the about phone there will be 'developer options' available.
Kiely-Lou Barnard -
Still not connected showing access denied?
Raja Shahraiz - Responder
How to make WiFi networks problem
Sanjip Jayasawal - Responder
where do i get "use legacy DHCP client", can't find it unde developer mode
gracien botima - Responder
I don't have a "use legacy DHCP client" option. Any alternative please???
Tahrima Arani - Responder
Hi. Did you manage to locate the DHCP client? I'm having the same problem
Meh Ni -
Any luck here?, same problem. I don’t have that &&^&^$^ option
Horus Rules -
Where can I find the last step, Set network connection method "Automatically connect"?
gboafterparty - Responder
François.... U are my hero of the day... Uhm week.... Did exactly those steps... And et voila.... Totally And utterly calm in Deventer, the Netherlands enjoying my wifi.... Fingers crossed it will stay this way.
Thank you for your trouble and time educating me!!!!
Mirjam Koot - Responder
were can i find restore
Chola Jacob - Responder
ware i can find Set network connection method "Automatically connect"..
userhuaweMY - Responder
ware i can find Set network connection method "Automatically connect"
userhuaweMY - Responder
Je ne sais pas où il faut aller dans la partie 3 merci de me répondre rapidement François car ce problème m agace cela fait quand même le deuxième HUAWEI P8 LITE que j'ai avec ce même problème. Merci
Maxence Herbin - Responder
Under advance settings,I can't find Set network connection method "Automatically connect"
Bright - Responder
Under advance settings, I can't find Set network connection method "Automatically connect"
Bright - Responder
wie kann man den Netzwerkhinweis ausschalten? Bei mir ist der grau hinterlegt. Ebenfalls kann ich “Automatisches Verbinden” nicht finden.
Boni - Responder
Wie kann ich den Netzwerkhinweis ausschalten? Der Schieber ist bei mir grau hinterlegt. Ebenfalls kann ich “Automatisches Verbinden” nicht finden.
Boni - Responder
Can someone help for the “set network connection method”?
Prinsha Tanakoor - Responder
Wie cool ist das denn!!!
wollte das Telefon schon abschreiben. Genau lesen. Funktionierte tadellos!
Dörthe Grubek - Responder
does not allow me to alter network notification……the icon is grey?
Sinjin Skippers - Responder
i cannot access the network notification….the icon is grey?
Sinjin Skippers - Responder
hola, buenas tardes cambie la pantalla del equipo y ahora no funciona el lector de memoria micro sd ni el del chip SIM-CARD, como puedo solucionarlo? muchas gracias.
Daniel Garcia Diosa - Responder
hello, good afternoon change the computer screen and now the micro sd memory reader or the SIM-CARD chip is not working, how can I fix it? thank you very much.
Daniel Garcia Diosa - Responder
Hallo ich finde bei dem Handy Huawei p8 Lite kein Entwicklungsoptionen ich bekomme kein WLAN mehr was kann ich tun wäre sehr nett wenn mir jemand helfen kann vielen dank im voraus
anjadarsaoui - Responder
Hallo, ich finde den letzten Punkt im Handy leider auch nicht. Das Handy verbindet sich mit dem WLAN trotzdem automatisch. Leider immer noch erfolglos. Kann mir jemand helfen? Viele Grüße
Manuela O. - Responder
thanks my brother it worked
milfredbm - Responder
le problème n’est pas résolue même je trouve pas “connexion automatique”
Akrout Firas - Responder
After checking all the steps i still have IP address unavailable, what now is my phone past its sell by date. this is my first Huawei and since have got 3 others but i’m thinking its the last. Samsung here I come.
Michael Anthony Wainwright - Responder
A me non risolve il problema
nicola - Responder
i cant find set networl automatically please someone hepl me
Muhammad Aqib Mohd Nor Hafiz - Responder
My Mobile wifi on but doesn't connected
British Gujjar - Responder
Das Problem ist damit nicht gelöst , wie schon mehrere s. o. geschrieben haben , ist das “automatische Verbinden” nicht wählbar
j.ott2 - Responder
Io non ho risolto.qualche altra opzione??
lorycozzella - Responder
Il problema ( il tel lo uso solo con scheda telefonica ) e’ un chip dal costo di nemmeno 5 € che sta sulla scheda madre ( sarebbe da staccare e buttare il vecchio che funge da connettore wifi e blutooth e “ristagnare”)…ma nessuno vuole sistemarlo ( la scheda madre il piu’ delle volte lo “ ribrucia” ..colpa degli aggiornamenti di sistema..)..Queste notizie te le do perche’ ho seguito blog e articoli vari su internet…ciao Mauro
piramids -
I followed your instructions but it doesn’t work. Than I started cell phone again - I had the same troubles I couldn’t switch on “WLAN “ and at “Bluetooth”.
Graz 30.8.2020
gregor - Responder
je viens d'acheter huawei P8 lite, et le wifi & bluetooth ne fonctionne pas, est il possible d'installer une nouvelle application WiFi & Bluetooth en telechargeant sur internet?
Soloherilalaina - Responder