The aircon may be blowing air too strongly, directly onto the blades, maybe causing them to flutter or the fan motor to struggle.
Ceiling fans are generally used to circulate the air to get the desired temperature. Whether it is [link||summer or winter] can affect the direction of rotation of the fan blades. Also with some fans, the fan blades can be flipped over (depends on make and model) to achieve the same effect, rather than reversing the direction..
With aircon, you shouldn’t need to have the fan on as there should be enough airflow coming from the aircon to cool (or heat, if reverse cycle) the entire room.
The aircon may be blowing air too strongly, directly onto the blades, maybe causing them to flutter or the fan motor to struggle.
Ceiling fans are generally used to circulate the air to get the desired temperature. Whether it is [|summer or winter] will affect the direction of rotation. Sometimes the fan blades can be flipped over (depends on make and model) to achieve the same effect.
Ceiling fans are generally used to circulate the air to get the desired temperature. Whether it is [link||summer or winter] can affect the direction of rotation of the fan blades. Also with some fans, the fan blades can be flipped over (depends on make and model) to achieve the same effect, rather than reversing the direction..
Are there any aircon outlets near the fan blades?
The aircon may be blowing air too strongly, directly onto the blades, maybe causing them to flutter or the fan motor to struggle.
Ceiling fans are generally used to circulate the air to get the desired temperature. Whether it is [|summer or winter] will affect the direction of rotation. Sometimes the fan blades can be flipped over (depends on make and model) to achieve the same effect.