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Postagem original de: jayeff


Hi, ,

Visually inspect the tablet’s USB-C charge port, with a strong light and a magnifying glass to check that there is no lint etc, trapped in the port enclosure preventing a good connection. Also check if all the pins are there and that they’re all straight and parallel with each other.

If there is any debris in the port, '''''do not''''' use a metal pin or probe to try and clear it as you may damage the pins or cause an electrical problem in the tablet. See if it can be removed by using a vacuum cleaner. If it is still there then try using a sharpened wooden toothpick to ''gently'' try and pry it loose.

If the port seems clear then check if the port appears to be loose at all. Plug in the charger to the tablet only, not into the power outlet. Then whilst firmly holding the tablet near the charge port, ''gently (very gently)'' try to move the charge cable plug  from side to side and up and down, and check if you can detect any movement at all in the port connector.

''If you can detect movement'' then the port may have become disconnected from the systemboard. As the port is mounted directly on the systemboard, it will have to be removed so that the port can be inspected and determined if it can be reconnected or whether it has to be replaced.

''If you can’t detect any movement'' in the port connector then the tablet may have to be opened and the problem further diagnosed.

Here’s a link to the [|service manual] for your tablet. Scroll to p.50 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the systemboard.

Hopefully this is of some help.

