Here is a link to the [|service manual] for your amp.
To download the manual, when the sentence below the Document preview box changes from ''This file is downloadable free of charge: ...processing...'' to ''This file is downloadable free of charge: Get Manual'', click on the ''Get Manual'' as this is the download link.
Be patient. It takes a little while to find the file.
If it it only affected when the drive select switch is operated, check the circuit around the U2A amp section. (make sure you're looking at the 15R cct and not the 15G cct).
If it it only affected when the drive select switch is operated, check the circuit around the U2A / U2B amps section. (make sure you're looking at the 15R cct and not the 15G cct).
Here is a link to the [|service manual] for your amp.
To download the manual, when the sentence below the Document preview box changes from ''This file is downloadable free of charge: ...processing...'' to ''This file is downloadable free of charge: Get Manual'', click on the ''Get Manual'' as this is the download link.
Be patient. It takes a little while to find the file.
If it it only affected when the drive select switch is operated, check the circuit around the U2A amp section. (make sure you're looking at the 15R cct and not the 15G cct).
Hopefully this is of some help