Troubleshooting your coffee maker before you've had your cup of coffee can be frustrating. Let's dig into this troubleshooting guide to get your morning cup brewing and start the day off right.
While this guide is focused first on automatic drip coffee makers, a good starting procedure for any device is to follow proper maintenance and cleaning practices — follow this coffee maker cleaning guide and replace old filters.
If your water is soft, you should treat them with a suitable descaler every three months, or once a month if the water is hard. White vinegar is not recommanded as it can damage seals and the metal.
Mineral Buildup
Water deposits are the main cause of a noisy coffee maker. Follow the above guide to give your coffee maker a deep clean!
Clogged Lines
While regular cleaning helps prevent mineral clogging, buildup may still occur. Remove your bottom plate to access the water lines. The hoses can then be removed and visually inspected for buildup. Clean orifices with a needle or paperclip, and hoses with soap and water and a small pipe brush.
This is time to inspect the ball valve. This valve allows fluid to move forwards but not backwards, and can be tested in two ways. Shaking the valve will tell you if the ball is free and is a good sign it's functioning. If you remove the valve and can only blow air in one direction, the valve still works. If you cannot blow in either direction, clean the ball, and reassemble the valve.
Vibrating Machine
It's a possibility that your machine is chattering on its work surface. Try placing a rubber mat or cork board under the machine to reduce noise.
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