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Can the Fitbit be reset without the OEM charger? I lost the charger and got an after market one, but it doesn't have a...
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Hi Michael, Hard to tell exactly what the goo is from the pic. If the freezer is still functional you can repair the insulation with a can of 'Polyurethane Expanding Foam' from your local hardware store (search web). Clean up the 'goo' first, with gloves on, try: (1) to physically remove as much as possible with plastic tools so as not to damage the freezer (2) then try cleaning with Metholated Spirits (3) If still residue, then clean with Acetone (4) dry completely (5) apply tape to cover the hole (6) carefully make a small hole in the tape the size of the foam applicator tube. (7) then spray expanding foam into hole via the tube on the can (8) you can put more tape over the small hole for a neater finish as it expands and dries If you haven't used expanding foam before, try it on a similar sized hole in a cardboard box or other rubbish, to gauge how much you need. It has a unique behaviour and expands/grows very rapidly. Follow the instructions on the can carefully. Regards Chris
Saiba maisI have had similar issues with GE freezer as well as with the water dispenser freezing up. Please try this, to clear either blockage type: To clear blockage: (1) Attach a length of firm tubing to a syringe, I used the tube from the inside of a used window cleaner spray bottle (2) Fill syringe with boiling hot water from a kettle (3) Insert tube into ice maker water inlet until you feel it makes contact with the ice blockage (4) Slowly squirt hot water back up the ice maker water inlet (5) Repeat step 2 - 4 until ice blockage melted To (try to) prevent: (1) After clearing, use a small pipe cleaner to clean any residue that might trap water (2) Use small amount of organic soap to wash out (3) Use syringe from cleaning to rinse (4) Fingers crossed🤞 I think this is a bit of a design issue, mine still blocks up occasionally, but with syringe-tek easy fix. I keep syringe in cupboard above fridge for when it happens again, good luck 👍
Saiba maisI managed to reset the device. Refer to the image below when reading the instructions: Instructions to reset:: While connecting +5V to the middle pin and 0V (GND) to the right pin, apply +5V momentarily to the left pin. When I did this, the FitBit reset and was able to communicate via Bluetooth again.
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