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Howdy there! My name is Chelsea Trevino. I'm currently a freshman at Austin Community College majoring in Web Programming.

I started my journey by working for a company called RZ Communications, where I learned to program two-way radios using Motorola CPS for the city of Bastrop Texas OEM department and all of their Emergency Services. This sparked my interest in programming. I also remember I really enjoyed creating a page for Myspace, may sound silly but I really enjoyed creating and customizing a webpage.

After I graduate, I hope to continue my education and I dream of one day becoming a full-stack software engineer. I want to find a company that is in line with my values, and one day make a career out of a dream.


Still currently developing my skills in the tech field, but I currently have the following:

  • Customer Service
  • Programming Motorola CPS
  • Competency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Troubleshooting
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Repair Experience:

  • Various home repairs
  • Rearview mirror replacement
  • Replaced head/taillights
  • Clothes repair

Here's one of my favorite refurbish projects. My daughter helped me refurbish a desk for her.

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  • Roller Blading
  • Hiking/Walking
  • Gardening
  • Traveling
  • Watching Anime
  • Reading (Especially self-improvement books)
  • Refurbish/Restore Furniture

This is a picture of my new rollerblades I just got and I'm excited to start using them.

How does this project relate to me:

Professionally and personally, I think everyone as humans should do their part in helping not to contribute to unnecessary waste and look more at the bigger picture and help with taking the right steps when it comes to waste by recycling, restoring, and not replacing your electronics every year to name a few. I love spending my time outside and I want my kids to be able to as well when they are older, so keeping this planet from unnecessary waste is something I can help with and want to contribute to.

Fun Facts About Me:

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I'm a fraternal twin. I have an American Bulldog Staffordshire Terrier his name is Broly. I like to take pictures of the sunset, sunrises, and clouds. I eat Mexican food about once a week. I enjoy organizing and cleaning. I think it's therapeutic.

Here's a picture of Broly and a cloud picture I recently took.

Meus guias

Guias para os quais contribuí

Chelsea Trevino








Membro desde 09/24/23
