I'm having the same issue on my Maytag dishwasher, I replaced the drain pump as it filled with water once before causing the tub not to drain, I pulled the pump apart ( super simple 120vac pump, basically a coil and a magnetic shaft with rubber water seal, that obviously failed) used rtv on the seal and it ran fine for another year. So I assumed that the pump seal went bad again, this time just bought another pump for $22. Of course this time the new pump didn't run either, I measured the voltage going to the pump and only got 16vac from the control board. I pulled the control board apart and the relay on the board is pulling in when you activate the drain cycle, but it isn't sending 120vac to the pump. I can't find the schematic for the board, so Fixing it will be tough, I'm now searching for a new control board, probably should just buy a new dishwasher but it's passing me off now. We'll see if a new board fixes the issue.