could be a loose connection inside or might be a dying backlight or inverter. you can check the connections if you feel like opening it up. if that’s not the problem and if it’s worth it to you to fix it you can probably find replacement parts easily and look up the repair/maintenance manual for the repair procedure
can you be a little more specific? Update (02/19/2023): ok gotcha. sounds like the battery terminal (where the ends connect) is out of its shape. if there’s a good computer or phone repair place close to you they might be able to fix it. i don’t think you should try yourself because everything is small and delicate inside and you could get shocked. good luck tho!
the lcd is probably dead. the cable might have been damaged when whatever object got lodged in it or it could’ve damaged the inverter. either way what kind of geniuses do they have at apple that they didn’t consider an lcd replacement? did you notice the screen connector/wire when you opened it? Maybe the connection came loose since they are extremely delicate. I say check the video cable/connector and see if it looks like there’s any physical damage on the screen itself, front or back. I saw this a lot in my repair business. It could be as simple as a loose connection to a dead inverter, which you’d have to replace the whole screen. Hope you can fix it!