Hi everyone! :) I've had the same quest(ion) for my Sansa Clip+ / And I now replaced it successfully with this one: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/328637674... I found that one by searching by battery type number "323036P" (since that's what's written on the original battery). It worked flawlessly! :D BUT: Cut the battery wires short. Otherwise, the chassis may not manage to click back in place. I've cut mine about half (a little bit longer than the ones from the original). The wire coloring means:: (1) RED = (+) (2) BLACK = GND (3) WHATEVER = middle (The original cable was blue, mine was white). I guess this could be interesting. I had to look it up first. Thanks so much for helping me enjoying my beloved Clip+ as long as I like! Useful Sources: Sansa Clip + Full Dissasembly Teardown and Reassembly (by Richard Lloyd)