School: University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez
Major: Industrial Microbiology
Aspirations: Attend Medical School and become a Doctor
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Critical Thinking
- Organization
- Perseverance
I’ve dabbled in fashionable DIY’s such as hats, face masks masks, bags, shirts, skirts and etc. I’ve also made various pieces in pottery.
Repair Experience
I do not have repair experience but I would love to learn how to fix practical things such as pluming, refrigerators, gutters and more.
Nothing beyond high school or university recognitions (things such as clubs). From my clubs I posses virtual shadowings (due to COVID)
I am currently going through initiations of groups. These are:
- Medlife UPRM
- American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
- Circle of Pre Medics (CPM)
- My university’s National Honor Society of Biology (Tribeta, Zeta Alpha).
- Reading
- Swimming
- Journaling
- Discovering/Reviewing Movies and Music
- Traveling
How does this project relate to you?
This project relates to me since I am, apart of science, a huge lover of art. Whenever I go on trips, it is necessary for me to go to a museum or a shop with paintings. So, when I hopefully purchase my first home and obtain paintings to decorate, these skills will be beneficial for me in case somethings were to happen to these pieces.
Fun fact
I could be walking on the perfect floor and still manage to fall. I have the scars to prove it, I am a clumsy :)
Meus guias
Sofia Morales
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez, Team 2-13, Cools Stephens Fall 2021
Tag da equipe: UPRM-COOLS STEPHENS-F21S2G13