Hello, my name is Joseph Meyers. I'm a 28-year old graduate student pursuing a Master of Arts degree in Technical and Professional Communication from the University of North Texas. I chose this field to specialize in because the field of communication studies has always been extremely interesting to me, and when I took an undergraduate technical writing course I found that technical writing is very fun to me.
Once I have finished my master's degree, I plan to become a professor of technical communication myself. I hope that this project will assist me to better understand how to teach students to make their instructional writing as accessible to users as possible.
Most of my physical repair experience has to do with sewing in one form or another, from clothing repair and alterations to the making repairs to simpler items such as quilts and duvets. My mother taught me to sew from a young age as she believes it is a vital skill that is not taught nearly enough to younger people. Beyond this, much of my repair and troubleshooting experience is in software fixes and troubleshooting of issues with computers.
The photo to the left is of me during my graduation for my bachelor's degree. I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Integrative Studies from the University of North Texas in 2020. I achieved the President's List in both years I attended UNT for my B.S. degree after completing my Associate of Arts degree at Tarrant County College.
Shown below is my dog Alanna, who is a three year old Yorkshire Terrier. Alanna and I spend much of our time together as I both attend school and work from home, and over the last few years she has become very attached to me--and very spoiled!
Joseph Meyers
University of North Texas, Team 1-15, Martin Fall 2023
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