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I have an ipod that I've restored three times now and when re-booted will go back to the restore screen again. I've...
Saiba maisI am in possession of an ipod where I have no info on it's past. It has no battery in it, but when I plug a sync cable...
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If you're referring to the ribbon cable that plugs into the board then no, it's not fixable.
Saiba maisYou'll have to open it and see if re-seating LCD connector helps. If that doesn't work then a new LCD (approx. $15) is needed.
Saiba maisIt means you have to hook it up to iTunes to continue. Probably needs to be restored because of some sort of damage to firmware or files.
Saiba maisChassis Bezel or just Bezel
Saiba maisDo as Michael Stoffer writes, but also make sure contacts are clean and nothing is in the connector port.
Saiba maisWhen iPod is connected to a computer there are times when it should not be disconnected by simply unplugging the USB cable. The reason is because the computer may still be writing data to the device, removing it prematurely will cause data corruption. In these cases, iPod must first be ejected before it can be safely disconnected. iPod can be safely disconnected by simply unplugging the cable if the iPod display shows any of the following screens: "Charging" "Ok to disconnect" The iPod main menu with the Music, Settings, and Extras selections in addition to others iPod shuffle displays a solid amber or solid green LED iPod must be ejected first before disconnecting if any of the following screens are displayed on the iPod: "Do not disconnect" "Connected, Eject Before Disconnecting" "Sync in Progress, Please Wait..." iPod shuffle displays a blinking amber LED If the "Enable disk use" or "Manually manage music and videos" options are enabled for iPod in iTunes, iPod will need to be manually ejected before...
Saiba maisDoes it connect to itunes? If yes, then the LCD will need to be reconnected or replaced.
Saiba maisTry a different USB port. I get the USB device not recognized message sometimes if I plug into my USB hub or if I use an extension cable.
Saiba maisJust wanted to correct something in oldturkeys post. I made corrections below. 2. Hold down the Home button (located on the front bottom center of your iPod Touch/iPhone) and the Power button (top left for iPod Touch and top right for the iPhone with the screen facing you) simutaneously, until the screen goes black and the device turns off. (past the red slider/slide to power off screen)
Saiba maisI found another solder point for a z-spring connection. A wire would have to be soldered to it then soldered to the z-spring which in turn would have to be secured (super glue?) to the point where the spring was originally.
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