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This saw appears to have been stored outside. I have cleaned up the rust with vinegar soak and have got the saw clamps...
Saiba maisI have Nook BNTV250! I realize it is dated but the battery is great and stays charged. The software level on this device...
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My answer is going to be a bit different, and will explain.. I purchased the cheapest HDMI/VGA adapter on Amazon (BENFEI HDMI to VGA, Uni-Directional HDMI Computer to VGA Monitor Adapter (Female to Male) with 3.5mm Audio Jack) requires 5 volts to operate like a phone charger works, And picture quality is perfect! In fact according to the Polaroid VGA port display, the picture is 1920X1080! Turned on the monitor and set the input to VGA and the firestick popped right up! However, the HDMI port configuration on my Polaroid model 19 tla-01911c, once connected, stays connected, but randomly on some turn offs and on, it still just gets "no Input" screen. I no longer care as with the VGA port becoming functional for my firestick, it is my preferred connection. Picture quality is great!!!!
Saiba maisIt appears some how part of the microsoft add of the new hard drive did not clearly provide the way I did it. I was instructed what to do with both drives at Win 10 new load. I was asked what to do with both drives. Considering you have Win 10 now installed, you can do it again or...... read the following to get the original soldered in SSD showing and working.
Saiba maisI have other comments on this subject in this chain of problems of starting and then not running! Basically to zero in, the problem is in the Carburetor! Other commenters have pointed out taking off the carb bowl and cleaning the jet and clearing out any dirts or ?? A good cleaner is carb cleaner or, I use Lacquer thinner! The jet needs to have a thin wire pushed thru it. and if an air compressor is available good to blow out all you can. Amazon sells a replacement carb for about $10.00! Normally cleaning the jet and cleaning the bowl does the trick, but there is always that one that just needs a replaced carb!
Saiba maisI am adding a second post on this subject! This post is a post of preventative maintenance! When putting the lawn mower up for winter, it is the perfect time to get all fuel out of the tank and carburetor! The simple way is the run the mower till the tank is empty. A bit of planning on getting the tank empty as the last cut or draining most of the fuel is up to how you wish to accomplish the task! That takes care of getting all fuel out of the carb and tank. Next is the gas can! Gas does get stale but for a lawn mower engine , for me, that has never caused a problem! But what will cause a big problem is fuel with impurities in it such as moisture! Have a neighbor who stores his lawn mower outside in the winter! He has problems. Not sure about his fuel storage but, clean fuel is critical and fuel not kept in the engine to turn to sludge in the idle and High speed jets is also critical. Since I have started over the last year or two with clean fuel and a lawn mower that has had all fuel run out of it, (and a...
Saiba maisI note a lot of various questions and discussions about holes in engines and some parts not working and valves not moving and just stuff, way beyond Phils original question. What I can suggest is if you cannot technically do the work yourself, and you have identified and evaluated “Cost vs replacement”, and are not real excited about cosmetics, and just really need to keep your tractor or lawnmower shell that hold the motor, there are a ton of used lawn mowers and riding mowers out there with good engines for sale at decent prices. Ya gotta find one for parts that the engine is not the part with a problem and not overpay for it. There are actually, in many parts of the country, there is a glut on this kind of stuff. If you are, or can be patient, and have the time to wait, something will show up.
Saiba maisI have a more mature Garmin Nuvi 755 and on my last update was instructed to install an SD card, which I did!I performed the update, and tried to use it could not enter location addresses and the road vs directions was not working right! I kept fiddling, reading , doing research and discovered that the recommendations of Garmin, that SD cards be formatted in FAT32 on a Google search! Took out the SD card and checked it and it was formatted in Exfat! Anyway formatted the SD card in FAT32 format and started all over again and instead of updating, there is a way on Garmin Express to reload all maps! It took about an hour but when done, all updates were installed and my mature Garmin Nuvi 755 will continue to guide me! It works perfect now! Ya would think when Garmin instructions tell ya to install a SD card, the instruction would include Format information also! Oh well!
Saiba maisLawn mowers or any small engine not starting after sitting all winter, tends to fall into two categories! An engine needs two things to run, 1) Fuel and 2) ignition (or spark) how you shut down your gas engine for winter helps with spring start up! Fuel does become stale, it may still work but why mess around for a partial tank of fuel. Let the engine run the tank dry. After it cools down, check the oil and top it off to the mark. Next, remove the spark plug and check it for gap. Most small engines are .028 to .030 ! Now, back to it won’t start! Same two things, 1) Fuel and 2) Spark! Remove the plug and connect the bottom screw part with a wire to someplace on the engine. Plug in the high tension wire from the mower and get the whole thing in a dark place and pull on the rope so that you can visually see the spark plug is working right. When you pull the rope or hit the starter button, with the engine turning over, the high voltage should be jumping the spark gap! If that checks out, put the plug back in...
Saiba maisThe 32 GIG ssd is soldered in, and must stay! However, what I have discovered thru the web, is that Amazon, (and other sellers) sell an SSD that fits in the OPEN SLOT of the Lenovo 110S, and I have done that to my 110S and reloaded win 10 to the added “Silicon Power 120GB M55 M.2 2280 SSD With R/W Up To 550MB/s (SLC Cache for Speed Boost) SATA III Internal Solid State Drive for Ultrabooks and Tablets (SP120GBSS3M55M28)” by making it the C: drive and making the original 32GIG drive the D: drive. Others may be able to help you if you want to save what is on your 110S before you do this, I did not, hence Microsoft reloading win 10 cleaned both drives, formatted them and reloaded my activated win 10. Hope this helps And I am adding a WARNING ———Also, be aware, not all Lenovo 110's have the extra slot. Before buying anything based on my comments, remove the rear cover and validate there is a slot for the added SSD!!!!!
Saiba maisGot the Toro out this spring, same type as being discussed, 6.5 hp, self propelled, and after going thru all of the cleaning suggestions of jets, carb, tank and so on and making sure the bulb was priming right, on reassembly and testing, without the air filter installed, same problem, runs the prime dry and stops running. I did an inspection of the filter element that I had cleaned, last fall, and found one of the paper edge was stuck out under the rubber edges. I fixed that, and I can only venture, that some how, the filter works in conjunction with the fuel flow as there is a rubber hose that runs to the crankcase, and that has to pump and suck as the piston action occurs. I took the filter and reshaped the side with the paper under the gasket so that the entire filter seals and bingo, put it all back together, did a 3 pump prime and the engine started first pull, and kept running. Let me just say, I did all of the suggested remedies on the fuel flow issue and this last one did it for me. So which one...
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Excellent concise instructions with photos!!