BTW… an iPhone that is not enabled to make cellular phone calls IS essentially an iPod Touch. My old iPhone4S (now turned into just an “iPod” Touch) hasn't had a new software rev in many years, still running IOS 9 hardware is too far outdated. My Subaru Outback is a 2013 and had been using this "iPod" trouble-free, for years. Then one day it got into this repeating condition. I could turn repeat off on the car's stereo system, but it would always come back when I turned the car off and back on. The problem is not in the car, its the repeat setting in the phone. When you’re viewing the NOW PLAYING screen (where the entire screen is dedicated to the song that’s currently playing) there will be an icon that looks like an oval racetrack, two arrows chasing each other around the oval. touch that and your issues are over. The “iPod” was forcing the car into repeat mode. Once you change the setting in the “iPod” the issue should be resolved. So... this is an excellent use for an old otherwise-useless iPhone, just...