First determine exactly where it's leaking. Wipe the underside dry with lots of paper towels including the bottom of the flush valve and supply line. Then wipe all the suspect areas with toilet paper. When your sure everything is dry, wad up some toilet paper and dab each area (start with bottom of flush valve) and inspect the toilet paper. Stop at the first sign of moisture on the paper and hold wad on that site. Take another wad and continue to dab other areas. Repeat until no moisture is found. The reason you do this is that water will migrate and areas that are wet might not be where the leak is. Dry all wet areas and hold paper on all but one that was wet. Is that one getting wet again? Yes---thats a leaker. No---not a leaker. Continue until you have eliminated all but one area that keeps getting wet. I suspect it is really the flush valve or the supply line that goes to it. If this is correct then reinstall the flush valve making sure all rubber is positioned correctly and tightened uniformly...
# Clean mass airflow sensor. # Fill up with premium and add a can of SeaFoam to fuel. # Make sure you have a good deal at the gas cap and the oil fill cap. # Make sure your air filter cover and entire assembly is fitted properly. # Check all vaccum lines for leaks and repair any questionable areas. You can find parts to cut and splice these hard lines. # If you have access to an OBD2 check the Data Stream screen for the TP (absolute throttle position) make sure reading is in spec. (1) Good luck