Howdy, replacing parts is not always the solution. In my case the issue described here is exactly my issue. I took Mr. O’Brien’s solution as the mower is a 2016 model and to have this stuff fail is a bit of BS, but perfectly suitable for a parts changer. So I checked the FUSE and it is OK Changed the FUEL Filter and it is OK Checked Solenoid and it is OK Replaced Gas and it is OK Plug checks OK, gap OK Drained bowl, no debris, OK Battery is Sketch, but have had no further issues and is OK after strenuous start attempts What works is that on older models there is a FUEL SHUTOFF and as Mr. O’Brien recommended, I put a shut off in my fuel line before the FUEL FILTER and have had ZERO issues. SUMMARY The fuel line configuration from factory and after updating other components will yield exactly the same failure over time. Apparently there is a small amount of seep over time that causes the carb to flood even when the system is shut off and the throttle is pushed all the way off. This does not shut the fuel off...