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My laptop has recently started to make a peculiar high pitched whining/ scratching noise, after taking a good long listen,...
Saiba maisDoes anyone know where to find motherboard schematics for the acer aspire? (E5-575 500u) Any help is greatly appreciated....
Saiba maisHi all, So I have an 8 month old aspire e5-575 (variant of the 571 series) (8gb RAM / I5-2.5ghz / 1TB HDD / sealed in...
Saiba maisCustomer brought me an iPad mini 1 with a ghosting issue/image retaining issue to fix. It shows brighter images that were...
Saiba maisHello, I have a fried iPad mini 1, logic board issue, no power whatsoever, and am considering buying a mini 2 motherboard...
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That would be Either a bad motherboard. Or a dislodged screen connector.
Saiba maisMore info? Is the computer particularly hot? Is the fan working correctly? Model? What sort of tasks are you trying to do on it and what is your chipset? Are you running a power saving mode of some sort? How old is the machine? What is the OS?
Saiba maisThe bottom half of the screen is held in with adhesive, if there is any dust or grime on this adhesive the screen will not rebond to the rest of the device. If this is the case, you need to fully lift up the display assembly and replace the adhesive with something akin to double sided foam tape. iPod Touch 5th Generation Display Assembly Replacement Best of luck.
Saiba maisSounds like water damage, and/or an old battery. these phones can bear very touchy to water, The overheating part is strange, iPhones will shut down should they overheat, but once they cool down there should be no issue in turning them back on. Try the old rice trick.
Saiba maisThe Touch ID button and the logic board are paired. Only the original button will work with the logic board. Be warned. If the phone is updated it will show error (53)? And will become unusable if any home button besides the original is installed.
Saiba maisThe Touch ID button and the logic board are paired. Only the original button will work with the logic board. Be warned. If the phone is updated it will show error (53)? And will become unusable if any home button besides the original is installed.
Saiba maisBoth are just fancy words for filtered water. It doesn't matter how finely filtered the water that hit your phone was, it's still water and it still conducts electricity, causing short circuits, corrosion etc.
Saiba maisA picture would be helpful. Getting a new, dedicated pad isn't really worth the effort, If any of the old pad is still attached or there is a visible bit of copper leading to the pad you could try making a new one, Fold a very fine wire into a U shape, close the two prong ends, twist the two prong ends together a tiny bit (just enough to prevent them from separating) tin them, and then solder the two twisted together prongs to whatever exposed bit of copper is left from the pad. you should be able to carefully solder the port onto your makeshift pad, be sure not to overheat it or you will remelt the solder holding it to the board and you will have to do it all over again. (prevent remelting by holding a metal object to the wire in between where you've attached it to the board, and where you are currently soldering) Make sure you use a Rosin based flux, doing this is near impossible without it If there isn't any copper visible you could try taking the tip of your soldering iron and melting a bit of the...
Saiba maisFirst of all, you sir, are insane for even touching something this microscopic. Second off, I would use a VERY small amount of plain old super glue, crazy glue, or clear epoxy resin, around the edges of the LCD frame (apply with a toothpick etc) Or I would use Optically Clear Adhesive (OCA) glue on the screen to bond it to the digitizer. OCA glue is a UV activated glue that's specifically meant fo bonding LCD screens to digitizers you can get it off eBay for as little as 5$ Personally I'd go with the super glue. Hope this was helpful! Good luck!
Saiba maisCheck and make sure you haven't damaged the connector for the LCD, if you haven't, try cleaning it with rubbing alcohol, and then reseating the connector. It looks as if the LCD is fully functional.
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