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I can confirm this works on a Acer CB3-431 The Acer CB3 has a fantastic screen! Anyway, I followed the directions and used Busenlabs Linux.
Careful how your create the USB. My first try was with Anti-x in the Live environment the keyboard didn't work. This was when I used Rufus on Windows 10. Similar issues with Busenlabs. I then used Linux MINT USB maker. Success! I did look at using 'breath' It seems a bit complex.
Because Chromebooks are low powered and have limited storage I wanted a light Linux distro. My first attempt was with slitaz linux. It wouldn't boot at all. Last I found that Gallium Linux worked the best. Sadly its not being developed anymore. My planned uses for my Chromebook are watching films and looking at photos. Oh.. well the installer is crashing so its Bunsenlabs after all.