I have a 2013 iMac that has a current working internal screen with 2 x 27” ACD (MDP) for a 3x monitor setup for work. However the stand has the issue where broken clips inside can’t keep the unit upright and taking it apart just for fixing the stand is not exciting enough for me to want to open it up. I love my iMac but I am very intrigued on doing something like this since many won’t and it doesn’t bother me one bit to experiment on. This is for having something different but as a “mod and learn from experience” I have an additional 27” ACD so I would still retain the 3x monitor setup. There are 2 approaches I’d like to choose from in an attempt to go with all external monitors on my desk because I’m a weirdo: (1) Gut the iMac and put the components in a slim pc case or a rack mount case to mount under the desk: (1.1) Yes it doesn’t make sense, I understand nothing will fit correctly, but being how slim the components are, a slim open case to keep the comments ventilated with maybe an additional fan might...