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Este guia de reparo foi criado pela equipe da iFixit e não foi aprovado pelo Google. Saiba mais sobre nossos guias de reparo aqui.
Use este guia para substituir a tela do seu Google Pixel 7.
Para sua segurança, descarregue a bateria abaixo de 25% antes de desmontar o telefone. Isso reduz o risco de incêndio se a bateria for acidentalmente danificada durante o reparo. Se a bateria estiver inchada, tome as devidas precauções.
Cuidado: O Pixel 7 contém lasers de classe 1. A desmontagem pode resultar em exposição a emissões invisíveis de laser infravermelho.
Sua nova tela de reposição virá com o leitor de impressões digitais já conectado. Caso contrário, será necessário reinstalar o leitor de impressões digitais original na nova tela de reposição e recalibrar o leitor para manter sua funcionalidade.
A manutenção da resistência à água após o reparo dependerá da qualidade da reaplicação do adesivo, mas o dispositivo perderá o grau de proteção IP (proteção ao ingresso).
Você precisará de um adesivo de reposição para concluir este reparo.
O que você precisa
Durante o procedimento de remoção, certifique-se de inserir as palhetas de abertura na posição correta, para evitar separar a tela da estrutura de segurança em vez do conjunto do telefone.
Há vários clipes de plástico ao redor de toda a tela. Caso a palheta de abertura fique bloqueada durante o procedimento de remoção da tela, isso significa que a palheta foi inserida muito fundo sob a tela.
"During the removal procedure, make sure to insert your opening picks in the right position"
But then don't share what that position is, or even how to start.
Great way to start the guide. Fills me with so much confidence in doing a $150 repair.
Off tonyoutube to find someone who did q better job at a guide.
Hi there! I apologize that the instructions were not clear. I have updated the guide to clarify where the right place to insert the opening picks.
Puxe a pega azul para trás para destravar os braços do Anti-Clamp.
Deslize os braços sobre a borda esquerda ou direita do telefone.
Posicione as ventosas próximo à borda inferior do telefone - uma na parte frontal e outra na parte traseira.
Aperte as ventosas para aplicar a sucção.
Puxe a pega azul para a frente para travar os braços.
Gire a pega 360 graus no sentido horário ou até que as ventosas comecem a se esticar.
Certifique-se de que as ventosas permaneçam alinhadas uma com a outra. Se elas começarem a se desalinhar, solte um pouco as ventosas e realinhe os braços.
Aqueça uma bolsa térmica iOpener e passe-a pelos braços do Anti-Clamp.
Dobre a bolsa térmica iOpener de modo que ela fique sobre a borda inferior do telefone.
Aguarde um minuto para que o adesivo tenha a chance de se soltar e um vão se apresentar.
Insira uma palheta de abertura sob a moldura da tela quando o Anti-Clamp formar um vão suficientemente grande.
Pule as próximas duas etapas.
Aplique uma bolsa térmica iOpener aquecida na tela para soltar o adesivo por baixo. Aplique a bolsa térmica iOpener por pelo menos 3 minutos.
This guide is a bit all over the place. Most of the previous pictures show the iOpener being placed on the left side first (with the device having the camera facing upwards)
However this pictures shows placing the iOpener on the right side. Does it matter? Is there a best practice side to pry first?
Quando a tela estiver quente ao toque, aplique uma ventosa de sucção na borda inferior da tela.
Levante a tela, incluindo a estrutura de segurança, com a ventosa de sucção para criar um pequeno vão entre tela e conjunto do telefone.
Insira uma palheta de abertura no vão.
If you're having trouble getting the first pick in, try a different hand position than what is shown. Grip the suction cup's handle with your index finger, and keep your thumb and middle finger on either side of the screen. Choose a forgiving surface underneath in case you slip. Then hold firmly and keep it stable (no need to really push down). Just be prying it open deliberately and evenly. Then take your pick and use gentle prodding, experimenting with your angle and pressure, feel around. That should be all you need to get in.
O cabo da tela encontra-se um pouco abaixo da meia altura na borda esquerda do fone. Tenha muito cuidado aqui para evitar desgastar o cabo.
Há vários contatos de mola em todo o perímetro do fone. Tenha muito cuidado nessas áreas para evitar empenar os contatos.
Deslize a palheta de abertura para o canto inferior direito da tela para cortar o adesivo.
Deixe a palheta de abertura no lugar para evitar que o adesivo volte a selar.
Insira uma terceira palheta de abertura por debaixo do canto inferior esquerdo da tela.
Deslize a palheta de abertura ao longo da borda esquerda da tela para cortar o adesivo e liberar os clipes de plástico.
Deixe a palheta de abertura no canto superior esquerdo para evitar que o adesivo volte a selar.
Insira uma quarta palheta de abertura no canto superior esquerdo da tela.
Deslize a palheta de abertura ao longo da borda superior do telefone para cortar o adesivo.
Deixe a palheta de abertura no canto superior direito para evitar que o adesivo volte a selar.
This is the only slice that makes me nervous. Never had a problem, but yeah... extra care because of the camera.
Insira uma quinta palheta de abertura e deslize-a ao longo da borda direita do telefone para cortar o adesivo restante e liberar os clipes plásticos à direita.
Levante a borda direita da tela e em direção ao lado esquerdo do dispositivo, como se estivesse abrindo um livro.
Coloque a tela com a face virada para baixo e paralela à estrutura antes de continuar.
The adhesive still sticking to the screen might trip you up... don't let it pull the screen in weird ways. Just pick that stuff off and the screen sits perfectly next to the phone, as pictured.
Insira uma ponta de uma pinça na abertura da extremidade superior do suporte do cabo da tela.
Empurre o suporte para dentro e levante-o para liberá-lo.
The way this piece is wedged in there can be a difficult to imagine, so you may need to apply force at a different angle than you expect. I bent mine a few times, but just bent it back into shape with no issue.
This was a pain to get out! Felt like I was going to rip the whole cable out. But it popped out eventually.
Com uma pinça, remova o suporte do cabo da tela, puxando-o por baixo da estrutura intermediária e na direção das câmeras.
I forgot to replace this the first time. It's not a dealbreaker (phone works fine without it), but if you ever open your phone again you must be super-extra careful -- nothing is securing the connection.
Com uma espátula, desconecte o cabo conector flex da tela, levantando o conector e afastando-o em linha reta do soquete.
Getting the press connector aligned properly is a very fiddly task and impossible without a light touch and several tries. My only advice is to take a break if you get frustrated. There's no 'click' or anything to help you notice that you've got it right. But when you do, it'll just... fit. And you'll probably think, "wait I did it? oh, not as hard as it sounded. just took awhile."
Beware! I tried using the forceps instead of my finger and I ended up tearing into the ribbon cable. So be careful and use your finger if possible. I wouldn't use a sharp tool like I did. There are a couple Youtube videos that probably can help if you search "pixel 7 screen replacement". Sadly I didn't do that first.
Be careful not to hit any circuitry or jumpers in the process. They are so tiny that I did and now sound doesn't work on my bottom speaker. There's a YouTube video on this topic. Take your time!
Separe a tela.
Se você trocou a sua tela, verifique o furo da câmera frontal e o entalhe do sensor de sua tela de reposição e remova as películas de proteção restantes.
Esta é uma boa hora para testar o seu fone antes de fechá-lo. Conecte temporariamente a sua tela, ligue o seu fone e certifique-se de que ele funciona omo esperado. Antes de continuar com a remontagem, desligue o seu fone e desconecte a tela.
Siga este guia se estiver usando adesivos personalizados para o seu dispositivo.
Siga este guia caso esteja usando uma cartela de adesivos pré-cortados.
Se estiver instalando uma tela nova, vá para este guia para calibrar o sensor de impressão digital.
It was much easier to remove the adhesive after the phone cooled down completely.
That's super strange. There's certainly a middle ground of not being too hot, but I've done this job 3 times now, I can really tell if it needs a little more warmth.
IMO this really needs some kind of jig to align the new adhesive. It is nigh on impossible IMO to align properly, and you'll end up with bunched-up sections of stretched adhesive all over the place. It is beyond frustrating, after taking ones time and being so careful.
It seems that it should be possible to cut the plastic backing that the new adhesive comes on into a shape that would fit in the phone, and index it on some of the existing pins by making accurate holes. That might at least make it possible to get all of the new adhesive in a useful place.
Otherwise pretty good. Thank you to the people who have taken the time to put this together.I would have liked to know I had to put the adhesive card before connecting the new screen (which took me 15mn just to connect the wire to the motherboard) because the flat cable makes it very hard to do so...
Otherwise, tutorial is good, although it misses the fingerprint sensor recalibration as said in other comments
I agree, i wish there was an adhesive tutorial, I messed mine up and lost half the adhesive :(
When testing the new screen, it DID work previously. Now it does not. What could be wrong? Did I break a pin? How can I troubleshoot further?
That display cable was tricky wish I had a guide I found a dependable way in the end by moving the screen to the right of the port. but wow that was frustrating. Also wish I had realized I didn't remove the digitizer and only removed the adhesive before wasting the only adhesive I ordered for the new screen.
Compare a sua nova peça de reposição com a peça original — pode ser que você precise transferir componentes remanescentes ou remover suportes adesivos da nova peça antes de instalá-la.
Para a remontagem de seu dispositivo, siga essas instruções na ordem inversa.
Para realizar um teste de diagnóstico com a ferramenta integrada no Pixel, clique aqui.
O reparo não está indo conforme o planejado? Tente soluções de problemas básicas, ou peça ajuda na nossa comunidade de respostas para o Google Pixel 7.
Compare a sua nova peça de reposição com a peça original — pode ser que você precise transferir componentes remanescentes ou remover suportes adesivos da nova peça antes de instalá-la.
Para a remontagem de seu dispositivo, siga essas instruções na ordem inversa.
Para realizar um teste de diagnóstico com a ferramenta integrada no Pixel, clique aqui.
O reparo não está indo conforme o planejado? Tente soluções de problemas básicas, ou peça ajuda na nossa comunidade de respostas para o Google Pixel 7.
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43 comentários
This guide was excellent. And the most tedious bit of the repair was removing the remaining adhesive before installing the new screen. Very easy repair for anyone with some patience.
If the fingerprint unlock does not work after this, you may get a message on the lock screen indicating that you need to go to a google website to fix it.
What you actually need to do is:
o Install the Google USB driver for Windows from here:
o Put your phone in fast-boot (turn off, then turn on while holding volume down)
o Connect the Pixel to your PC
o Using chrome, visit this site, which will reset the fingerprint reader:
I had to reboot twice after this to actually get it to work, but it's all good now.
Thank you for this. Since the message on the phone is unhelpfull, this info should really be added to the manual.
Thank you! No driver needed on a Mac (as it says at the first link.) Just go to the withgoogle pixelrepair page and follow the instructions. Worked on the first restart for me.
Chris K. -
Ohhh thank you so much for this, I was about to give up on the fingerprint reader ha
The above instructions are not complete. These are the full instructions that work for me:
1.Before you turn your phone off, go to the developer options and enable USB debugging.
Go to: Settings, About phone then tap Build number 7 times.
2. Go here Get the Google USB Driver | Android Developers and download the google USB zip file (this is for windows BTW)
3. Unzip however you want it
4. Open the folder usb_Driver and rightclick "android_winusb" and install
5. To make sure it installed, connect your pixel (with USB debugging still enabled) to your PC and open "device manager". You should see "Android Devices > Android Composite ADB Interface".
6. Disconnect pixel from PC
7. Go here Google Fingerprint Calibration website and follow the instructions.
Thank you so much. This has worked for me :)
Thank you for the extra help. Bradapple pointed me in the right direction and you guided me in for the landing... so to speak. 😏
I did all that but when connecting my computer the monitor shows "Unsupported device
To use this tool, your device must be a Pixel 3, 3 XL, 3a, 3a XL, 4, 4 XL, 4a, 4a (5G), 5, 5a, 6, 6 Pro, 6a, 7, 7 Pro, 7a, Tablet." That is very confusing because I have the Google Pixel 7.
OMG thank you so much for this information, i've spent such a long time on various forums and threads, i even talked to google support they said factory reset would work.. no one mentioned the developer options and enabling USB debugging. Thanks again this finally worked!
thanks so much. I think these steps should have been included in the guide. it doesn't seem like the system lets you do a straight swap without it (which makes sense given it is an important security feature)
Can I use a used screen and still have fingerprint scanning work or can it only be calibrated once?
I found attaching the press cable the most difficult, it eventually went in after a few hours trying on and off, but I couldn't tell you why. Once that was done everything was easy
Yes i agree, this was fiddly and I was very worried about breaking pins.. though for me it was 10mins, not hours :(
Really good guide. Had some trouble with the removal of the display cable branket and the adhesive, but after an hour in the end, the screen turnee on. Also had to reinstall the fingerscanner….
guys my screen turn on but the touchscreen doesnt work, can anyone tell what do wrong?
I have the same problem, did you solve it somehow?
How to order the parts if im outside of shipping region, im in indonesia
Great quality kit. I underestimated how fiddly cleaning off the old adhesive would be but otherwise this was straightforward and there were some really good pointers for things to watch out along the way. Glad I took the time to do this as now my screen is perfectly readable again. A couple of lessons learnt from me: 1/ impressed at how quickly the microwave heat pack gets super hot. one application was enough for me to get the screen off. 2/ The clips along the outside edges are very fragile.. be very careful when cleaning out the adhesive. 3/ Speaking of adhesive cleaning/removal.. I understimated this step. It took a looong time. Take breaks if getting tired/frustrated. Probably spent over an hour just on this step. Maybe more heat would have helped, but I was worried about damaging components 3/ As others have mentioned there are issues with the fingerprint sensor post install, the instructions above worked perfectly for me re/ windows driver, developer mode, google software update tool.
I followed this guide to open the phone and try to fix my broken glass: not screen, glass only. I decided to post here some advices.
- This guide
- Video on how to open and apply OCA Glass
- Video on how to apply OCA without machines
Where I bought things and what I used?
- IFixIt Pro Tech Toolkit
- Glass replacement with OCA
- Molybdenum string
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Heat Gun / Hairdryer
- you need to have something that will hold your screen still. It will move a lot, adhesive is strong as hell
- do not apply too much heat: if it's hot to touch, probably is too much (max 80°C)
- make sure to have A LOT of time, a LOT of patience and a LOT of molybdenum
- do not push on the internal screen and its components: go against glass, not the "LCD"
- screen-frame adhesive cannot be reused, you need a new one
At this point I need to tell you that I failed and ordered a new screen from iFixIt.
I managed to get half of the work done, but then my string started to eat the internal screen :(
Should I remove the thin blue backing off(has what look like serial number stickers on it) the new screen before install? Thanks
When installing a replacement screen be sure to remove the black plastic cover that obscures the selfie camera hole, otherwise you won't be able to take selfies!
I didn't notice this cover when closing it up, so it didn't want to close at the top edge. Still doesn't close snugly, and the front camera doesn't work now, but idk if it's worth trying to get the screen off again and risk breaking the new display. T_T It would have been helpful to have some information on what to remove from the new screen in the article.
Hitch -
Update, a few minutes later: I was able to fix it! The adhesive was fresh enough that a little heat was enough for me to get just the top edge open enough to slip in a pair of tweezers and remove the covering. Camera is now functioning.
Hitch -
Thank you Hitch!
I encountered the same situation and could solve it just as you did.
mikg -
how important is it to put the display cable bracket back on?? I forgot then sealed up
Hi Kyle,
The display cable bracket with the piece of foam holds the connector in place. Without it, the connector just holds with a little friction and is likely to come off by vibration or shock. Your mileage may vary. At least you know how to fix it, should it come off. Keep the bracket in a safe place.
What I do not know is, if there is a possibility for electrical damage on the screen or the mainboard, should the connector not come off completely, leaving just some contacts connected. But given the low currents, damage seems not very likely. At least in my experience, these things are relatively robust.
mikg -
Hello! Does anyone know if it is possible not to change the whole screen of the phone but somehow to reattach the upper glass only? My problem is that the screen itself is fine but the glass goes off a bit in the left upper corner and now there's a several mm whole in between the glass and the screen. Is it possible somehow to fix it without changing the whole screen? Thanks a lot for your replies!
The replacement screen isn't sitting flush with the phone. What have I missed?
Hi Jon,
If it is on the top, you likely didn't remove the cover that obscures the selfie camera, which will prevent you from taking selfies too (see comments above). Happened to me and solved it, like Hitch described.
Other possibilities include incomplete cleaning of the old adhesive, torn application of the new adhesive or having some other 'body' lodged between frame and screen.
Best of luck!
mikg -
le tuto est genial tout fonctionne merciiiiiiii
Having issues with the proximity sensor after replacing display. Screen no longer turns off when against face on calls, nor does flip to shh work. I checked for all protective films, nothing present (looked just like the original display and even just like what's pictured above). What do I need to do?!
I have used iFixit guides to repair phones/tablets numerous times over the years, and this is yet another thorough, well put together guide that led to another successful repair.
One thing to pay attention to is the additional hyperlinks/steps needed to reinstall the fingerprint sensor and follow them carefully. For anyone who hasn't messed around with installing custom ROMs on phones/tablets, this might seem a bit daunting, but it's just a matter of following the steps carefully and you should be able to get it done - make sure that you are using the Chrome browser too - I wasn't able to get this to work with Firefox.
One last note on the Pixel 7 driver installation if you're on Windows and have already downloaded the driver - make sure to extract it somewhere easy to find (like the Downloads folder). In Device Manager, Pixel 7 was located under "Universal Serial Bus devices". Once you're ready to select the file to install, you only need to select the folder - it will install the correct driver file.
Just did this! I appreciate the guide! If I had to write a caution to anybody below are things I think I could have done better.
-I put the pick in too deep and bent a spring
-I rushed myself to remove the adhesive, hindsight I should have some solvent or brake cleaner and a wooden toothpicks
- I rushed to try and put the adhesive on, it felt like I took my time but I didn't.... #hindshight...
Hi, Im from Ecuador and my Google Pixel 7 has a broken screen. There's no place here that sells the screen and can fix it. Do you really recommend that I buy the screen or buy another phone?
Just replaced the screen. All was good, including the fingerprint sensor (for that you have to go through the steps outlined in many other comments, and use a good USB cable) but what's missing from this guide is the part on how fix the adhesive, which is quite critical and delicate. I recommend this video, also from iFixit (even if it's for the Pro version the steps are the same):
Moin, ich versuche bei euch mein Glück.
Ich suche ein defektes aber noch funktionierendes Display für ein Goggle Pixel 7. Es wird nur zur Datenrettung benötigt, weil meins komplett schwarz ist nach einem Wasserschaden. So das ich den Datenmodus aktivieren kann.
Vielleicht habt ihr noch nicht alle entsorgt.
MfG R. Gierth
This mainly worked and i was able to extract the data from the phone. However after glueing in the new screen it is not seamless woth the housing and standing out like almost 1mm. It looks like the screen did not fit into the inner clamps and is now only attached by the glue. Any ideas?
Moin zusammen,
mein Google Pixel 7 hat einen Wasserschaden erlitten und funktionierte danach nicht mehr. Ich habe es zur Reparatur gegeben, aber es wurde nur gereinigt und unrepariert zurückgegeben.
Ich habe dann herausgefunden, dass offenbar nur das Display defekt ist – alles andere scheint zu funktionieren. Ich habe eine Maus und Tastatur per USB angeschlossen und mich über die Microsoft Smartphone-Link-App mit Screenshots behelfen können. Mit TalkBack konnte ich die Eingaben besser verstehen und bin zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass bis auf das Display alles funktioniert (es gibt nur kleinere Darstellungsfehler, wahrscheinlich durch das defekte Display).
Jetzt überlege ich, ob es sich lohnt, das Display selbst zu tauschen. Hat jemand Erfahrungen damit oder würdet ihr eher empfehlen, sich ein neues Gerät zu kaufen?
Vielen Dank schon mal für eure Hilfe!
Great guide! The most annoying part was removing the old screen adhesive, so make sure to have some isopropyl alcohol on hand for a repair – only a sad little wipe is provided in iFixit's kit. Other than that, everything else went as intended.
I was apprehensive to begin with but the kit is really helpful. Some patience, common sense and work is all that is needed. Just like other posts, scraping off the old adhesive was the most time consuming step. And fingerprint calibration is super easy - just takes a couple minutes and it is done.
One more thing I want to add is that it is easy to miss the adhesive fixing steps in this tutorial - there is a small link which takes you to a different page. I kind of missed it and ripped out the entire adhesive before applying on the phone. It is clearly shown in the video tutorial though.
Thanks to this guide and ifixit in general, I do not need to purchase a new phone! I was worried when my phone had signs of water damage/screen failure; but took the screen off and had a more knowladgeable friend take a look and say the internals were fine.
The money spent on the fixit kit was reasonable but a bit nervewracking because there was no guarantee the phone would work, but ifixit does accept returns and I do value repairability so I decided to go for it.
This guide was excellent and helped with being able to safely take the screen off without puncturing anything. The trickiest part was removing and adding the adhesive. I do wish the guide went into a bit more depth as far as re-assembly; specifically tips on applying the adhesive. But the linked guide was good at giving general directions and the included strip was well designed.
10/10 would recommend.
I do not currently have the fingerprint reader working; I have a modified version of android flashed on my phone so am not sure how to proceed there.
Worked like a charm, it even made my fingerprint reader work better after having to calibrate it twice. My only gripe is that the inserting of the screen is almost impossible, I spent a good hour at least just trying to press this connector in. After looking on YouTube for a bit to see how others do it I attempted to kind of approach it from the side and let the connector "roll" onto the other connector. After which I was able to press it in.
i replaced my pixel 7 screen, I noticed that my proximity sensor is no longer working, I have tried to calibrate it using 3rd part apps and it ddisnt work,i tried using developer settings to switch the proximity sensor and i also updated my android version...all these didnt work
Ian - Responder
If you can't power down your device because the screen is cracked (in my case, the AMOLED didn't light up at all anymore) and the touch is broken, you can also press power, volume up, and volume down all at the same time for 20-30 seconds. This will actually power off the phone, and not restart it (for that, you would hold the power button and volume up for a while).
Max - Responder