How to Change to 12V Power Supply
O que você precisa
Remove the modem so only the open-storm board remains. This is to prevent accidentally frying the modem.
Using a multimeter, touch the ground to any of the ground pinouts on the board and measure the JP1 and JP2 jumpers
You should see 12V on the middle and bottom pin of JP1 and 12V on the bottom pin of JP2. The top pin of JP2 should be ~ 3.6V
If ~ 3.6 V measured on top JP2 jumper, then add jumper in new position.
Plug in the 12V power supply again and see if the JP2 jumper measures ~ 3.7V
Unplug the power source and plug in the modem.
Power back on the board and wait to see a green light on the modem (indicating that it is properly powered and trying to connect to the internet).
To revert back to 3.7V power, flip back the 2 jumpers to how they were at the start of the guide.
To revert back to 3.7V power, flip back the 2 jumpers to how they were at the start of the guide.