Film counter doesn't work
Why doesn't film counter work
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It stays at “S” and the piece of the plastic that presses the button is still there
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It’s because you need new film
Added new film, what else could it be?
I'm having the same problem I changed the batteries and the film looked at the metal piece everything is fine but still showing S and not working?
The plastic is still attached to the back but still isint counting, does it mean i broke it? How do i fix it?
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yah,same how can i fix it
open the compartment for the film...
you will see that in the middle of the right there is a small silver piece of metal....
if you press it in, the numbers will count, if you do NOT, it will return to "S"
So now look at the door is the piece of plastic that presses that button still there, did it chip off?
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I’ve tried this and all my stuff is intact, but it still doesn’t work, what can I do to fix it?
I was with the same problem and now it’s solved, thank you so much
everything is intact but it still doesn't work please help me!
anyone knows how to fix it?
My Polaroid has 3 film left and it wasn’t taking pictures so I took out the film then it turn to s
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ofcourse because its finished add a new pack of film to fix
My camera has blinking lights and when the film is in it says ‘s’ on the back will someone please help please
I have the same problem. Please help
My counter wet from 6 to “s”. Help me please.
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How can i fix this?
I noticed that when you open the back of the camera (to where the film is) the counter resets back to "S" so maybe you opened the back of the camera before you finished all of the film?
So of I opened the back of the camera when it had 6 left, it doesn’t work more? Because mine went from 6 to S too???
That does’nt mean that your camera is broke it just simply means you need to replace the film.
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No matter what I do, the counter stays at S. I even poked the plastic piece and the counter didn’t move. Maybe it’s jammed? But why?
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if the counter is already at S the counter won't move when you poke the opening (silver button inside) right of the film. can you try to jam that button, maybe with a matchstick or something else and see if it starts moving when you take photos.
This is just a guess since i have the same problem with my brand new camera, im guessing that if youre camera is new its still not going to work completly espescially if its the very first film pack you put in it
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I know this is a little late to help anybody but I had the exact same issue. I ended up putting in brand new batteries and it worked for me. The new blank black sheet came through and my new film was good to go.
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Hey can anyone help me . I just got my instax minni 9 and the black plastic is suppose to come out first but mine had gotten stuck and my lights started to flash . I added new batteries and i took out the black plastic thing from the film and still wont work? What do i do can it be fixed ?
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LOL i have now the same problem, do you fix it?
Change a new pair of battery
Mine where you put your eye that light comes on but it will not take a pictures or anything and i replaced the batteries put a new cart in and its between 1 and 2 on the counter ?? idk what to do
same thing is happening to me!
I have an issue where the counter goes down too fast to tge point where it could be on 0 and I still have film in my camera. (As I can still take a few pictures).
I'm guessing the counter is going down 2 at a time.
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Hi all having the same problem with my mini 8, only i bought mine second hand, was showing working etc, I get my hands on it and can't get it working. I tried it when I first had it, and a blank film came out.. So I Bought a new one, put that in and I'm getting the same, red light stays on, with S in the counter. I checked all above and everything is in tact.. Now what lol
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S means it’s on selfie mode
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"S" stands for start
Well that was the case with mine and when I switched the modes it went back to counting down the numbers. The little house mode turned the numbers to the S and when I rotated the mode to the little sun it went to the numbers.
I hadn’t realized it was even an option to rotate those modes and the pictures were coming out completely white. Anyway tested it by taking a picture facing selfie and it worked. Messed with it til I realized I could rotate the modes.
@Anahi Gutierrez "S means it’s on selfie mode" = NO
"S" stands for START... the first time you take a photo it will release the plastic cover... that is why there is an "S" before the 0 (ZERO)
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