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Postagem original de: edyvane9rf


the 'so-called' technician at technibble and many others that purport to be knowledgeable on power-on-passwords do not understand that to use any power-on-password killer, u have to gain access to the power-on-password creator, which means any cracker in windows.

a. is not going to work coz the password is written to a chip on the motherboard, and

b. the power-on-password comes up b4 anything, so u can't even get into get ito windows.

c. wiping the bios via the cmos battery will not work, although, it did work once for me on an hp but i had to do it in very specific way, the same method wouldn't work with a sony vaio.

so u need a dedicated piece of software to reprogram the eeprom chip, this is an electrically erasable progammable read only only memory chip that usually only the original manufacturer will be able to give u the code.

although there some guys out there that have learned how to do it but it is not a free service, i know this is not going to help u solve ur problem but hope it helps u understand what has to be done.

u will also have to prove ownership of ur laptop, which is not so easy to do, unless u r the original owner.



