have a True brand treadmill, model 350 HRCB. Purchased in 2002 and still in excellent shape. Drive motor for the tread does not work. Everything else works fine. Had a treadmill service company come out to make the repair. They tested the motor by itself and found that it does work, but the controlling circuit board does not. So the motor will not run. [br]
Searching for a replacement board has been unsuccessful from the manufacture or on the outside market.[br]
Can the board be repaired???? Can anyone support and advise on these types of repairs?
=== Update (02/16/2022) ===
Hello Jayeff and thank you for your reply. There is only one board in the treadmill and a photo of it was in the original post. I think that board controls the motor speed of the moving tread and the incline adjusting screw gear motor. The incline feature still works perfectly well, just the tread belt motor will not run. Here are a few more pictures of the board:
have a True brand treadmill, model 350 HRCB. Purchased in 2002 and still in excellent shape. Drive motor for the tread does not work. Everything else works fine. Had a treadmill service company come out to make the repair. They tested the motor by itself and found that it does work, but the controlling circuit board does not. So the motor will not run. [br]
Searching for a replacement board has been unsuccessful from the manufacture or on the outside market.[br]
Can the board be repaired???? Can anyone support and advise on these types of repairs?