Replacement Fitbit Charge 3 wont sync or update, HELP!
So recently Fitbit sent me a replacement charge 3 after my old one got lines in the screen, so i reset my old one, plugged in the new one and tried to set it up, at first it was downloading updates but when i had to plug it back in after it disconnected, it stopped and i had to do the whole setup all over again, but for some reason everytime i do so it just gives me the “not working?” Screen when i entered the numbers and it attempts to connect, i tried on other devices that were incompatible and then tried in an area where the old fitbit signal is likely not to reach, but nothing! Right now im just waiting for the battery in my old one to die and see if theres any improvement, so far i have rebooted the phone and the fibit multiple times, same with bluetooth, i tried moving location, charging the fitbit to 100% and so on. But nothing is changing!
What in the world is going on with my fitbit???
Plz help me!
Thanks for any help you can give me!