Hi Mohammad,
the temperature of the CPU/GPU may be nearly around 90°C, but only in the full power state (playing some game on the ultra settings). If you are doing nothing on your laptop and it’s too hot, it may be full of dust or cooling paste can be out of date. I’m suggesting you disassemble your laptop and check your MB and remove all dust and also repaste your CPU - GPU.
If your laptop is still overheating after the replacement, it’s time to check patency of the heat tunnel. You can check it by blowing air into it.
For disassembly, check out [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RS7MCymN5k|this video], it is not the same type of laptop, but it’s the same principle! The specifics guide is [guide|118082|here], but it’s not showing re-pasting CPU/GPU. According to me, it’s simple and you can do it without any guides.