How do I prevent my guitar's input jack from loosening?
The input jack on my Epiphone SG electric guitar keeps loosening after several hours of (nonconsecutive) play. I don't want to strip the backing plate screws by removing the plate to tighten the jack once a week! The jack on this model is on the front face of the guitar.
Other than looping the cable through the guitar's strap to prevent excess pressure on the jack, what's a good solution to this problem?
Possible ideas I've thought of include loc-tite (which I'd rather avoid) and replacing the jack's washers with larger diameter ones to prevent the tension from compressing the wood.
How do I prevent my guitar's input jack from loosening?
The input jack on my Epiphone SG electric guitar keeps loosening after several hours of (nonconsecutive) play. I don't want to strip the backing plate screws by removing the plate to tighten the jack once a week! The jack on this model is on the front face of the guitar.
Other than looping the cable through the guitar's strap to prevent excess pressure on the jack, what's a good solution to this problem?
Possible ideas I've thought of include loc-tite (which I'd rather avoid) and replacing the jack's washers with larger diameter ones to prevent the tension from compressing the wood.