The fan blades could be damaged. You can replace the blades, or see if there is anything blocking their movement by using this [guide|32081|replacement guide]
The fan blades could be damaged. You can replace the blades, or see if there is anything blocking their movement. There could also be a problem with the motor as a whole. Use this [|guide] to check the fan blades and replace the motor.
The fan blades could be damaged. You can replace the blades, or see if there is anyhting blocking their movement by using this [guide|32081|replacement guide]
The fan blades could be damaged. You can replace the blades, or see if there is anything blocking their movement by using this [guide|32081|replacement guide]
The fan blades could be damaged. You can replace the blades, or see if there is anyhting blocking their movement by using this [guide|32081|replacement guide]