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Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck

O que você precisa

Vídeo de Apresentação

  1. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Preparar o dispositivo: passo 1, imagem 1 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Preparar o dispositivo: passo 1, imagem 2 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Preparar o dispositivo: passo 1, imagem 3 %32
    • Ligue o Steam Deck e deixe a bateria descarregar abaixo de 25% antes de iniciar os reparos, pois uma bateria de polímero de íons de lítio carregada pode ser perigosa se for perfurada acidentalmente.

    • Como precaução adicional, a Valve recomenda colocar o Steam Deck no modo de armazenamento de bateria no BIOS antes de iniciar qualquer reparo interno. Leia como fazer isso aqui.

    • Desligue o Steam Deck e desconecte todos os cabos.

    • Se você tiver um cartão microSD instalado, certifique-se de removê-lo antes de abrir o Steam Deck. Se você tentar remover a tampa traseira com o cartão ainda instalado, ele pode partir-se ao meio.

    • Durante o reparo, às vezes pode ser útil colocar o Steam Deck virado para baixo em seu estojo para proteger os analógicos e evitar oscilações.

  2. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover os parafusos da tampa traseira: passo 2, imagem 1 %32
    Ferramenta utilizada neste passo:
    • Com uma chave Phillips, remova os oito parafusos que seguram a tampa traseira:

    • Quatro parafusos de rosca grossa 9,5 mm

    • Quatro parafusos de rosca fina 5,8 mm

    • Apesar das normas, as chaves Phillips podem variar de tamanho e formato - duas chaves rotuladas como sendo do mesmo tamanho podem se encaixar de forma diferente no mesmo parafuso. Use o tamanho que encaixe melhor na cabeça do parafuso.

    • Durante esse reparo, rastreie cada um dos parafusos e certifique-se de que ele retorne exatamente ao local daonde veio, para evitar danos ao seu Steam Deck.

    there should be a picture of the SD card slot at the start of every Steam Deck teardown. i know the note is there but i generally use the pictures to guide me and forgetting to remove the SD card is a very critical step

    Nathan Barrow - Responder

    I agree, I just broke mine...

    Camille B -

    What is the the #1 philips used for? Only the #0 is mentioned in the instructions.

    Christopher Martin - Responder

    I wish they would specify which size to use for which screws.

    Mark D -

    I found it easiest to use a PH1 for the red screws, and PH0 for the rest (including the internals.)

    Chris Clawson -

    Be careful you can strip the screws take your time

    I use PH00 bit

    jaybush74 - Responder

    I used the PH1 bit for this. You can use smaller bits but ideally there should be no play of the bit in the screw head.

    Charles Semple - Responder

    are there playstation replacements (circle,square,cross,triangle)

    Deór - Responder

    I used the ifixit tools and used the 00 size for the screws on the back.

    Luis B - Responder

    I've completed the guide and found it very helpful!

    I think somewhere in this part it would be helpful to name the size of the correct Phillips driver to use:

    Use a Phillips driver to remove the eight screws securing the back cover:

    Four 9.5 mm screws

    Four 5.8 mm screws

    Maynard - Responder

    I used the PH1 for the 9.5mm screws and PH00 for the 5.8mm screws. The PH0 wanted to strip one of the small ones.

    Pol Llovet - Responder

    FYI - 512gb version has blue threadlocker on the Orange screws.

    Kyle - Responder

    Just a point for knowledge sake, the Four 5.8mm screws on this step are factory installed with a version of locktite. Not sure why but there will be slight resistance when removing the first time.

    Derek Schmidlin - Responder

    Stripped two of the 5.8mm screws, feel pretty dumb, now I'm stuck at step 2 of 43 :|

    Yareyous - Responder

    The screw bit that came with my fix kit just stripped the screws of my steam deck. I guess I should've just sent it in...

    Randy Jackson - Responder

    Model 1030 SteamDeck uses Torque #6 (CR-V T6) 5.0mm for all 8 screws making it far less likely to damage the screw heads.

    seaniepie - Responder

    Model 1030 is the OLED version, which we have separate guides for! See here: Steam Deck OLED

    Carsten Frauenheim -

  3. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Desencaixar a tampa traseira: passo 3, imagem 1 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Desencaixar a tampa traseira: passo 3, imagem 2 %32
    • Insira uma palheta de abertura no vão fino entre tampa traseira e invólucro frontal, ao longo da borda do lado direito.

    • Se estiver tendo dificuldade para inserir a palheta na costura lateral, tente começando pela borda alongada superior ou inferior e, em seguida, deslize a palheta em direção a uma das laterais.

    • Faça alavanca na tampa traseira para liberá-la dos clipes que a seguram.

    I found it easiest to start this process at the top of the device near the fan exit.

    Peter Lindberg - Responder

    second that and inserting the pick in the bottom middle and sliding the pick to each side

    Sub -

    I also found the top near the fan exit to be easier

    Travis Patton -

    Thank you for this tip, it definitely was easy starting at the top instead of by the bumper/triggers. After I opened the top I did the bottom and then it was way easier to gently open the sides. be very careful and go slowly to make sure that none of the clips are damaged

    Luis B -

    this as suggested above:

    1. open the top

    2. open the bottom

    3.gently open the sides

    austrasier -

    same; i pried from the top of the screen area. I was unable to find an opening on the side

    Dennis Wu - Responder

    I also started from the middle of the deck and worked my way out since I couldn't get a grip with the pick on the deck's side grips. Since this is a common step for pretty much all guides for opening the deck I think it's also worth noting that you should be careful not to bend the trims/seams where the front and back covers meet with the pick. When I first opened my deck you can definitely see where I nudged the pick in between the covers since I was probably using too much force on the pick itself.

    Kaleb McKone - Responder

    It would be useful to note here that if you want to insert the little blue triangular iFixit opening picks into the right side along the edge, there isn't actually a gap as the directions say, at least not on newer Decks. You'll be making the initial gap using the pick. Brace it on something because you will need to use enough downward force that you're flexing the pick a bit and it'll probably be digging into the skin of a bare hand. With enough force suddenly it will make a click and go in just a bit, and then you're in business.

    CaptFrost - Responder

    plastic picks didnt work for me but finger males did the job on prying this open

    jacobbagsic - Responder

    I found it easiest to open starting with R1 or L1 buttons and proceeding to the center of the top edge

    Karol Gro - Responder

    This step was the hardest by far. First I didn't find an opening at the sides, and it did take a really long time until I finally got it open... Then, when I had the one side opening open it didn't just pop out, I needed to slide all the way to the other side with the pick and open everything. I guess they made it even more drop resistant.

    Dollique - Responder

  4. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover a tampa traseira: passo 4, imagem 1 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover a tampa traseira: passo 4, imagem 2 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover a tampa traseira: passo 4, imagem 3 %32
    • Quando os clipes desencaixarem em uma das bordas, os demais se desencaixam facilmente.

    • Segure a tampa traseira pela abertura que você acabou de formar e puxe-a para cima e afastando-a do dispositivo, para desencaixar as bordas longas.

    • Remova a tampa traseira.

    If you have an SD card, you will want to take it out. I followed the guide and didn't think about the SD card I had inside. When I went to snap the case back on it clapped shut on the exposed SD card, shearing it in half and leaving the bottom half stuck in the SD card slot. I am still endeavoring to get it out.

    Novice - Responder

    you can use the case that comes with the steam deck to support it once the lid is removed

    Luis Barbosa (Armored Saint) - Responder

    You can get the pry pick inserted easier if you start in the gap for the shoulder buttons. A lego brick separator works well here

    Andrew Borsje - Responder

  5. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Expor o parafuso de blindagem oculto: passo 5, imagem 1 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Expor o parafuso de blindagem oculto: passo 5, imagem 2 %32
    • Se você tiver uma versão atualizada do Steam Deck com uma tampa preta de placa-mãe, pule este passo.

    • Com uma pinça, remova o pedaço da folha de alumínio que cobre o parafuso oculto no protetor da placa.

    • Se possível, tente não rasgar nem amassar esta folha, de modo que possa reusá-la. Se necessário, você pode fabricar uma folha de reposição cortando um pedaço de folha de alumínio sob medida.

    Use some heat here from a hairdryer to make this part easier.

    If you screw up here you can replace the little aluminium square with some aluminium tape from Amazon. No less than 50 microns thick, slightly thicker is fine. and the square is 13mm both ways.

    Matt S - Responder

    Thanks for that Matt, i destroyed the original tape and i had no solution since i read your comment.

    Cihan Kocaman -

    there are other new version of board shield from 2023.

    Gorf Woo - Responder

    Is it alright to use the deck without the tape?

    Jake - Responder

    You should not. This is EM shielding to protect your processor and ram from radio waves in the air

    Andrew Borsje -

    I found out my 3 Weeks new Steam Deck is a old Version... gg. Valve...

    Miller Schiffer - Responder

    wenn ich aluminium foile benutze, womit soll ich sie dann verkleben?

    Christian Dud - Responder

    If we have the new version with the black shield, how do we access the SSD?

    James Bennett - Responder

    I need this part, does anyone know where to get it?

    rolando norica - Responder

    PSA: The only purpose of steps 5–8 is to enable you to disconnect the battery, which is not essential. I skipped steps 5–8 and did not have any trouble with the repair.

    David H - Responder

  6. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover os parafusos da proteção: passo 6, imagem 1 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover os parafusos da proteção: passo 6, imagem 2 %32
    • Com uma chave Phillips, remova os três parafusos que prendem a proteção da placa:

    • Um parafuso de 3,4 mm

    • Dois parafusos de 3,7 mm

    • Apenas os dois parafusos de 3,7 mm ao longo da borda esquerda estão presentes na versão atualizada do Steam Deck.

    The procedure ended here for me, used an ifixit PH 00 bit on the screw behind the aluminium tape, bit wouldnt bite too great, one wrong twist and the screw was stripped. Not sure who or what initially screwed in that particular screw as the rest of the screws on the shield were fine, but boy is it in there tight. So now i have a stripped screw and a botched ssd replacement, don't think valve will let me RMA for this, but i'll give it a try and update accordingly.

    Y. van S - Responder

    Any updates? Did they let you RMA?

    Emanuel Gjoni -

    I found one screw to be ridiculously tight too, managed to undo it without stripping thanks to reading your comment beforehand and going extra careful. Not going to lie, it was a tense moment :D

    Andy HL -

    I'm stuck in the same place. I haven't fully stripped it, but I can tell you that if I try and make it budge it will strip. The thing is massively overtightened. The driver fit fine, the metal just gives way before the screw will budge.

    Robert Boswell Johnson -

    I think the tendency is to go too small on the screwdriver bits because you're working on small electronics.

    I used the PH1 bit on the screw under the foil and the PH0 bit for the two remaining screws without any problems.

    Charles Semple - Responder

    What does this shield actually do? Some kind of magnetic protection?

    Corey Cleric - Responder

    if I had to replace the key (R2) and that's it, can I directly remove it or do I have to act here on the motherboard too?

    pujattidanny - Responder

    have you gotten an answer yet? trying to change mines as well but dont wanna do too much to the deck

    briaNN -

    button Not key, i’m sorry

    pujattidanny - Responder

    I used the ifixit tools and used the 00 PH for these screws with no issue

    Luis B - Responder

    If only swapping the SSD, it is not necessary to remove the top left 3.7mm screw. The heat shield is flexible enough that you can move it out of the way to access the SSD screw. For me this was necessary as the 3.7mm screw was completely unmovable and quickly stripped.

    Scott A - Responder

    FYI there is a little pin on the cover that slots into the board. It is located near the top screw. I needed that to be inserted for the cover to go back down properly.

    Seth Robinson - Responder

    For anyone who may have stripped a 3.7mm screw, Steam Support states it's M1.6 diameter with a 0.35 thread pitch and a 3mm length. Hopefully that'll help anyone trying to locate a replacement screw. Hoping iFixIt can make an internal screws kit as they're kinda hard to find the right one online.

    Michael Dyer - Responder

    Did valve change the shield recently as my new 64gb deck has a black shield with no hidden screw.

    David Alexander Hubbard - Responder

    Yes there's a new hardware revision out there that some people are getting. Consider stopping at this point and putting your deck back together if you have one of these new hardware revisions (the fan is quite different as well to the pictures) until iFixit has an updated repair guide.

    Simon M. -

    There are only 2 screws now, but be careful taking the shield off, because there are still thermal pads under it sticking it to a heat pipe.

    Rudolfs Skurulis -

    Are they m2 3.7mm screws? I am looking to replace mine because they instantly stripped and I had to remove them with needle nose pliers because they were over tightened.

    Nick - Responder

    I need this piece, can someone help me where can I find it please?

    rolando norica - Responder

    Hi, is it possible to buy these shields somewhere? I am extremely interested in buying a replacement.

    Yannick B. - Responder

    The refreshed model 1030 has 2 T6 torx screws instead of Philips

    seaniepie - Responder

    Model 1030 is the OLED version, which we have separate guides for! See here: Steam Deck OLED

    Carsten Frauenheim -

  7. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover a proteção: passo 7, imagem 1 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover a proteção: passo 7, imagem 2 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover a proteção: passo 7, imagem 3 %32

    When putting back on, run a pick along the edge of the shield between the wires to make sure nothing is pinching and the wires are clear of the shield before screwing down.

    Matt S - Responder

    Are you saying that the fan cable should be positioned above the board shield instead of being pressed down by it? Just like the image shows, where it 'lays on the side of the board shield'?

    James - Responder

    Necesito esta pieza la mía no la traía se ve que se la quitaro

    rolando norica - Responder

  8. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Desconectar a bateria: passo 8, imagem 1 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Desconectar a bateria: passo 8, imagem 2 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Desconectar a bateria: passo 8, imagem 3 %32
    • Segure o cabo da bateria pela aba de puxar e puxe-o em linha reta para fora da placa-mãe para desconectá-lo.

    • Como alternativa, use a ponta plana de uma espátula ou uma unha limpa para empurrar suavemente o conector para fora do soquete e, em seguida, desconecte-o completamente com a mão.

    After fully reassembling my device I found that my battery was not showing any stats anymore. I couldn't start the device without being plugged in, however if I restarted it would stay on even if my power cable was detached. Battery showed 0%. It turns out I had not fully reinserted the battery cable at this stage during reassembly. MAKE SURE YOU PUSH IT ALL THE WAY BACK IN!

    Michael Hoffmann - Responder

    Awesome thanks for this tip!

    petergeranio -

    It is helpful to lift up gently with a the tapered end of a spudger underneath the tucked-in portion of the battery cable, creating a bit of flex in the cable before pulling on the pull tab. I found that without doing so, the fabric pull-tab simply tore off of the cable under light-to-moderate force (the fabric itself ripped cleanly across, like a paper towel). Careful, gentle pressure with a spudger can be used to remove the plug by prying gently on the rear ridge of the plastic plug (not the wire!) if this happens.

    Gene Eckser - Responder

    This is exactly what happened to me. Maybe it was a pull tab previously, mine was a ribbon cable that tore - captured the image here:

    Ian Wootten -

    This was the best approach (and I feel safest for the wiring) for me. Mostly push pressure on the plastic ridge with some minor pull tension on the fabric.

    Victor -

    I found it less scary and easier to remove the battery connection by using a fingernail on the ridge and pushing it off the connector. I felt like pulling on the battery cable was too harsh.

    montgomery mchargue - Responder

    Yeah, pulling cables like these is usually ill advice. They might be fine if it's a new device, but for old devices that have been sitting there for years, there's a good chance the connector has grown brittle and the cable might just come off separately (something I learnt the hard way).

    skzm -

    I second this approach. For me, the cable felt way to flimsy and the connector wouldn't budge even under moderate force. Except I used the flat end of a spudger to "scrape" it out.

    Misza -

    Upon plugging the battery back in, I found it easy to use two spudgers- one on each side- to pull/push the connector back into it's port. Be careful to not put any pressure on the battery wires themselves.

    montgomery mchargue - Responder

    When reconnecting the battery cable, you'll know when it's inserted and power is restored, because the white LED will illuminate at the top of the Deck near the power button. You should be able to see it while you're reconnecting the battery cable

    Michael Davis - Responder

    This is only true if you haven't put the deck into battery storage mode as directed.

    Ean Manley -

    Why not just let the battery discharge completely and then not have to disconnect it?

    Jeffrey Martin - Responder

    Completely discharging a battery reduces its lifespan. It's completely unnecessary.

    Stefan Camporese (CENTER) -

    Because no lipo battery is ever completely discharged -- you would not be able to recharge it if it was. There will always be enough power left in it to cause damage if shorted even if it isn't charged enough to power up the device it's connected to.

    David Cameron -

    I would personally not recommend pulling the tab. It doesn’t apply force at the correct angle. You should revise these instructions to advise using a combination of pulling on the tab, and careful pressure on the connector towards the right of the mainboard to carefully work it out.

    Using the pull tab alone could cause problems if not done extremely carefully.

    William Winborne - Responder

    This part was wayyyyy easier than I anticipated and I worried for nothing because I used the ifixit spudger to push it out a bit and then I literally used my finger nail and was able to slide it right off. Dont be afraid, its not that difficult and its not that delicate to break if you do it patiently

    Luis B - Responder

    I inserted the cable very firmly with a spunger, being careful not to press down too hard on the cables, and even tried redoing it, but I don't see any LED illumination. I am now unable to boot the deck into the boot manager. Any additional tips?

    junefish - Responder

    What is the risk of not unplugging the battery? Just curious!

    Nick Hight - Responder

    Once I was changing termal paste on my Windows based expensive tablet PC... And I was so scared to disconnect any cables (there was many of them), so I did it all with battery connected (I didn't even knew where is battery cable). When I tried to put board shield back... it didn't go right into needed place... and short circuit some small component. It flashed. That was the end of my repair. Dudies from repair service later told me that multiple components fried including CPU, so repairing is too hard. That's what can happen if you don't disconnect battery.

    bugwarlabs -

    To pull the battery out I used my spunger, but the batter had actually not space to be pulled out completely. I needed to lift the cable up with the spunger to get the cable fully out. When plugging it in again I had to press the battery down kinda hard so it would fit again. This was really scary and I recommand using two spunger as someone said above.

    Dollique - Responder

    Does it have to be a clean fingernail?

    Steven Murphy - Responder

    I disagree with the order here: I think the battery should be disconnected right after step 4. You can do that before touching anything else by gently pulling the pull tab to the right.

    If all you want to do is to disconnect and reconnect your battery (because your Steam Deck is not booting up... again...) then with a bit of finesse, luck and a flat plastic tool you can even push it back in without removing the shield. Make sure it went all the way back in.

    Fozi - Responder

    Be very careful with this tab, it rips easily!

    Tom Sid - Responder

  9. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover o prafuso do SSD: passo 9, imagem 1 %32
    • Com uma chave Phillips, remova o parafuso de 3,4 mm que fixa o SSD.

  10. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover o SSD: passo 10, imagem 1 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover o SSD: passo 10, imagem 2 %32
    • Com o parafuso do SSD removido, o SSD se liberará em um ângulo aberto.

    • Segure a extremidade do SSD e puxe-o para fora do conector da placa M.2 para removê-lo.

    • Durante a remontagem, insira o SSD em ângulo obtuso no conector da placa e fixe-o novamente em sua posição horizontal com o parafuso do SSD.

  11. Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover o protetor do SSD: passo 11, imagem 1 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover o protetor do SSD: passo 11, imagem 2 %32 Substituição do SSD do Steam Deck, Remover o protetor do SSD: passo 11, imagem 3 %32
    • O SSD está envolvido por um protetor contra descarga eletrostática que precisará ser transferido para o SSD de reposição. Como alternativa, um protetor de reposição pode ser encontrado aqui.

    • Com uma pinça, remover o protetor do SSD.

    • Se o protetor parecer estar preso, use uma pinça para descolá-lo e removê-lo. Tome cuidado para mantê-lo no melhor estado possível, se quiser reutilizá-lo.

    • Somente fica sobrando o SSD.

    • O Steam Deck usa um M.2 2230 de face única.

    • Para recuperar, reparar ou criar uma nova imagem de seu SSD, siga as instruções de recuperação do Steam Deck da Valve.

    If ESD shielding needed to be replaced, what would be recommended?

    Jeffrey Martin - Responder

    Also would like to know where to buy replacement for shielding. Would prefer not to re-use the existing one.

    Rory Murphy - Responder

    I broke the shielding. Can not find where to buy one. Currently panicking. Help?

    Luis Ortiz - Responder

    IFix it litterally sells replacement shielding.

    There is a link in this guid to the shielding...

    Steam Deck SSD Foil Cover

    Stephen Girty - Responder

    Link was added just about a week prior to your comment.

    skzm -

    I was able to slide the shielding off (and on) like a sleeve. No need to open it up.

    Andy HL - Responder

    I'm happy the SSD upgrade kit already comes with a ESD shield (plus everything else you need). Just 5 bucks more than the SSD alone.

    Marcos Alano - Responder

    Excellent guide! Thakns for posting this!

    carlthewinner - Responder

    You don't need to remove the shielding that way.

    Just slide it out and install it on the new ssd.

    Claudio Spano - Responder

    My Steam deck apparently had a different shield (probably upgrade to make sure there's no issues with the fan cable) there were just the two screws on the left side and there was no screw under any piece of foil tape (no foil tape at all) and the shield was black made it somewhat easier. Also when removing the board shield it can kinda be stuck due to cooling pads attached to the shield, just wiggle evenly from all sides pulling gently upward and it will get loose eventually. This makes sure the shield doesn't get bend.

    OnZoRAW - Responder

    What happens if when using the Rufus utility, GPT option does not appear? Thanks in advance

    jason bonilla - Responder

    The shielding for the SSD is just some insulating tape and foil. If you need a new one, just cover the SSD in electrical tape and then wrap a strip of foil all the way around it, using some additional bits of tape to hold the edges in place so it stays entirely on top of the tape.

    Albert Lee - Responder

    OnZoRAW's answer (3 above) should definitively be used to improve the description of this step!

    aui - Responder

    100% agree. I kept thinking I missed a screw because the shield was well adhered to the thermal pads and took more force than I was initially comfortable applying to pry it off. In fact, after scouring this whole guide for this precise step, the comment above by OnZoRAW is the only mention of it.

    James Kalivoda -

    Did you charge the SD up before attempting to install the OS to the new SSD? Or was the OS installed with the battery at 20% and in battery save mode?

    Slog_77 - Responder


***Para montar novamente o dispositivo, siga estas instruções na ordem inversa.

Para recuperar, reparar ou recriar a imagem do SSD do Steam Deck com o sistema SteamOS, siga as instruções de recuperação do Steam Deck da Vale.

Leve o seu lixo eletrônico para um ponto de recolha ou uma recicladora certificada.

O reparo não está indo conforme o planejado? Tente soluções de problemas básicas, ou peça ajuda na nossa [comunidade de respostas para o Steam Deck].

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Carsten Frauenheim

Membro desde: 03/10/20

135.533 Reputação

Autoria de 371 guias


iFixit Membro de iFixit


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63 comentários

idk why valve couldn't have just made the m.2 slot a 2230/2242/2260 & 2280 m.2 NVMe SSDs support??/ they could have done it! im hoping someone out there can make a new back shell that includes the nvme. m2 adapter riser cable extender that moves the nvme ssd to the back case somewhere else with more room and to also not only allow for better cooling of the SSD but also allows us to use any size m.2 nvme SSDs like 2230 up to 2280 m.2 size ssds as i have tons of gen3 x4 2280 nvme ssd lying around from all my AMD ryzen machines from my 1800X X370 all way up to X570 and 5700X / 5800X & 5800X3D etc..

adamnfs2 - Responder

I think it has to do with power draw... The Steam Deck isn't designed to cope with a incredibly fast (and power hungry) 2280 drive. I learned this the hard way on my laptop. I changed the drive myself to a 5500MB/s one and I could tell that not only did the SSD run hotter but also the components surrounding the SSD, it completely changed the thermal characteristics of the device. I added this drive to my desktop computer instead and bought a low powered one for the laptop. By having a 2230 drive on the Steam Deck, Valve forces users to choose drives that are typically designed for small and low powered devices.

Dennis -

lol thats a massive first world problem. we dont all have "tons" of m2 drives, ya know a reletively new tech, laying around

sk8r2211 -

and possibly even a m.2 door/cover to allow easier m.2 ssd removal W/O having to disassemble our steam deck! if the battery needs unplugged then a battery "KILLSWITCH" or "BATTERY DISCONNECT" Switch be also added to the decks after market backplate/cover to allow the steam decks battery to be disconnected from the unit with a toggle of a switch? allows for safter disassembly and m.2 SSD replacement with out having to repeatedly disassemble the steam deck....(SSD nand flash memory can fail) if i had the tools and capabilities to do this myself i would/ but i still dont even have my steam deck yet (Q3 July -Sept. 2022 ;( my friend just got his (ordered on same day) so WTF is mine valve!?????

adamnfs2 - Responder

It's already incredibly impressive that the Deck does what it does, at its price point, with its form factor. It'd be even bigger with any other physical features like that.

The unit isn't necessarily designed with modularity in mind, at least not first and foremost. People aren't "supposed" to be replacing these according to Valve; if that were the case then the internals would have to be shifted around quite a bit to ensure that people wouldn't be able to break stuff when they swap drives/etc. Although this is a very easy repair, people will inevitably mess it up. Valve doesn't want to have to replace everyone's devices if they destroy the internals on their own volition.

The fact that the SSD replacement process is this easy, and it doesn't instantly void your warranty, is amazing. Very few companies have this type of policy with hardware of this nature. A handheld device with fully upgrade-able storage to this extent has been neigh unheard of until now.

ralkia -

eh. i guess pwr draw// but adding a 5500mbps nvme sounds like a gen4 pci-e nvme m.2 im sure the steam deck (even thougt it is running AMD's Zen2 (4c/8t ) CPU cores with a small cluster of( i think) 8cus (in the decks APU) but i dont think it has gen4 pci-e support to using an m.2 gen4 speed (4000mps+ (usually gen4 nvme are (1st gen ones like saberent rocket 4(OG model) below specs..

Tech Specs




Up to 5,000 Seq. Read /&/ 4,400 MB/s Seq.Write (yeah this one would not work) but I do have some low power (2280) m.2 nvme gen3 ssds that came from older laptops!

**(Steam Deck cant do these speed cuz pci-e gen4 isnt even supported(not implemented in the apus I/O :( Not even in any laptop APU (except new Ryzen 6000 series with RDNA2 RX 680m igp with (12CU's) (& up to 8c/16t zen3)& does have Pci-e gen4 i think) I wish valve would have used this APU / SoC instead ( this steam deck would have been a much more capable Unit) & i would have paid up to $1000($ or 999) with a 2280 m2

adamnfs2 - Responder

GPD WinMax 2

Ryan Couch -

edit last above ( zen2 4c/8t with 8cu rdna2 igp steam deck (aka Van Goah)

adamnfs2 - Responder

I've been googling for 15 minutes what size SSD I actually need to purchase for this swap, I've watched two 10 minute YouTube videos. All I can find are videos and articles telling me why I shouldn't use the wrong size- not what the correct size is, even this article leaves that information out!

Mark Gibbons - Responder

It's a 2230 size, single sided.

To be honest, this is a pretty easy answers to get. Just type: "steam deck ssd size" into goole and it is literally the 1st answer it will pull up, highlighted mind you.

Are you using bing or something for your research?

Alex Couture -

Would anyone recommend a thinner Thermal Pad under the ESD shielding on the SSD itself?

(I have started doing this religiously in my PCs/Laptops with great results - Even with no Heat Sync.. Just Pad... So I was wondering if anyone would adamantly recommend against it)

DanielF823 - Responder

Great guide, but looks like I messed up somewhere when it comes to opening the Steam Deck itself. I was able to put in the replacement SSD and reboot the system, but the top portion of the back plate forms a gap on the top instead of being fully closed. Any help for this? I'm willing to buy an entirely back plate/front plate if I need to.

Ralph - Responder

Did you ever figure this out? Take out the skews again. Remember that the longer screws in the holes furthest out to the sides and the shorter screws go in the 4 holes closest to the center(look at the first picture in Step one). If it's not that, take out all the screws and pry it open again and see if something is there up top that could be causing it not to be able to close. You should be able to completely close it if nothing is in the way. Don't put the screws in until you are able to actually close it.

TalonJH -

Here's a screenshot as a reference. (Sorry for the low quality)

Ralph - Responder

what about putting it back together without messing any thing up

ellis roberts - Responder

No purpose in tearing up the ESD shield. All you need to do is slide it off.

Rolo256 - Responder

hello can someone help me i got a new ssd for my steam deck everything was installed according to the instructions via usb recovery mode the error always occurs I eventually get into a desktop mode, however when i try to Re-image I get the error:- !! /dev/nvme0n1 does not exist -- no nvme drive detected? Can anyone help me the hard drives on the PC go bad, so they can't be

Andreas Ulrich - Responder

Exactement the same case here ! Not found on USB recovery but found in the BIOS !

Someone can help us please ?

Valentin Crevecoeur -

same thing, dont't know what to do with this problem

Forcen - - See most recent comment as well - It's okay to get the error, you just have to re-flash the deck. The SSD is okay most likely.

Chris Gerling -

I was really disappointed with the ifixit screwdriver.. but having the kit was invaluable for this guide :)

Michael Godel - Responder

Will the device utilize more than 512Gb? Like a 1Tb? M.2 2230?

Warren Blake - Responder

Will the device utilize more than 512Gb? Like a 1Tb? M.2 2230?

Thinking of purchasing the 64Gb model then replacing the storage. (40 years Electronics Tech.)

Warren Blake - Responder

Help! I followed these instructions to a T and now I'm presented with this message:

"Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed. Insert Recovery Media and Hit any key

Then Select 'Boot Manager' to choose a new Boot Device of to Boot Recovery Media."

I don't know what any of this means and I can't find a single straight answer anywhere.

Dane H - Responder - It's okay to get the error, you just have to re-flash the deck. The SSD is okay most likely.

Chris Gerling - - See most recent comment as well - It's okay to get the error, you just have to re-flash the deck. The SSD is okay most likely.

Chris Gerling - Responder

What brand of ssd 1Tb will work I keep seen samsung, sabrent, or wd I want to use the right one that won't over heat or damage my steam deck any advice

Brenda Cabral - Responder

after installing the ssd and putting the back case back on, the bottom part isn't flush. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the sabrent ssd is a little thicker. When i was putting the shielding on it, it was very difficult to do so without ripping it (unlike the original ssd where it slides on and off without any issue)

Sam Lam - Responder

I’m pretty certain I’ve broken the SSD shield beyond repair. Is it possible to get a replacement anywhere?

Luis Ortiz - Responder

We plan to carry replacements shortly — hang tight!

Carsten Frauenheim -


Aprés avoir remplacé mon SSD par un KingSpec 2230 de 1 TB, tout fonctionnait correctement. Au bout de 2jours d'utilisation impossible d'acceder à SteamOS, et lorsque j'essaie de réimager le SSD n'est plus reconnu par le Steamdeck... quelqu'un saurait quoi faire?


After 2 dayx of use with the SSD KingSpec 2230 - 1TBn it has stopped working and is no longer recognised by my steamdeck (use become impossible), could you help me solve this issu ?

Merci par avance / thank you in advance.

Junks - Responder

Hey, I'd just like to point out, that maybe add a notice to take care for the cable running on the bottom side of the battery. It can quite easily slide out out of the little "tunnel", and when you screw in the cover, you can damage the cable. It's the bottom right of the inner/center four screws. My screw was just turning in place and not settling in, so I took the cover off again after replacing the SSD and noticed I took some rubber protection off. Luckily it was just just that and I patched it up with space tape, but if the cable was in a different position it could have been more seriously damaged. Sorry I don't have pictures because I closed everything up before remembering I can tell someone about this, but hopefully it helps. @carsten

Blaž Berdnik - Responder

After attempting to do this with a screwdriver set that is close to 15 years old. I stripped almost 3 screws and gave up after a screw on the metal shielding didn't come lose. I went to the store and bought an iFixit repair kit. Came home and all of the screws came out like it was nothing. Lesson learned. Don't be like me. Buy the proper tools for the job! 10/10 for the iFixit toolkit. Keep up the amazing work you do there!

Kevin Walter (Namanix) - Responder

I just got my 64gb model and I bought a 512gb replacement. Who ever assembled my steam deck put thread locker on all of the back plate screws and cut off the battery cable pull tab. This was 10x harder than it should have been because of this. It's so f*&$+* up.

Jordan Hamilton - Responder

i recommend putting the steam deck in the top part of the case so it does not rest on the thumbsticks

alex vermaning - Responder


Great recommendation! This is a good tip to both protect the thumbsticks and make the Steam Deck easier to work on. I've added a photo and a bullet to the first step. Thanks!

Carsten Frauenheim -

Just a heads up that your face buttons, analog sticks, and/or touchpads might not work out of the box after reinstalling/reimaging the Steam Deck in step 11. Use the touch screen to go through the initial network setup and allow the device to download updates and functionality should return once the Deck restarts.

Coda - Responder

Thank you so much. This info should be on the guide. I pannicked for a while until button functionality came back.

cfjr -

Thank you! This info has been added to the guide.

Carsten Frauenheim -

Si può fare sulla versione da 64gb?

Davide Dell'atti - Responder

I did this successfully, I installed games for a few hours. Then I applied some pressure to the back of the device on the hard drive area and power completely cut out on the Steam Deck.

I am unable to make this happen until I put the back panel back on the device. I can't get it to happen relialby either. I recorded an example:

After it happens, I have to re-open the whole thing. It starts working again, I put it back together, then this problem again... Any ideas what is wrong?

Battery connection looks good.
Hard drive is good. I replaced the old drive back in to see if it was a problem with the new drive. Same problem.

I am setting up an RMA... I was hoping there would be a simpler solutoin...

carlthewinner - Responder

Excellent guide thank you, I upgraded from 256GB to 1TB

Gradyn Wursten (GNUGradyn) - Responder

What ssd did you buy?

Mitchell Kramer -

I ordered the 64GB Steamdeck a couple of days ago and it should be coming in, in about a week or two, I also bought the Sabrent Rock 1TB SSD so I can upgrade it and after watching some tutorials and whatnot to upgrade the SSD, I've been wondering if recovering, re-imaging, etc., is necessary if it's brand new and there will be nothing on the Steamdeck to recover/re-install? Should I still think about purchasing a flash drive and following recovery instructions or is it okay to just change the SSD, close the Steamdeck up and call it a day?

Ame - Responder

The operating system is installed on the SSD. If you swap it, there is no OS that the Steamdeck can boot from and you get an error message to that effect. So you have to reinstall the OS even if you did not use it before.

I would also recommend to use the Steamdeck as it is for a few days, before upgrading the SSD. So you can make sure that everything works and you do not have to RMA it (I imagine a RMA is more complicated/impossible if you have swapped the SSD).

Reihnold -

In my case, I had to use a #0 Phillips screwdriver and a 1.4mm flathead screwdriver. There were some screws that just wouldn't budge with the #0, so I used the flathead for those. My #1 Phillips didn't seem to work for anything that I tried it on.

I don't know what revision mine is, but I purchased my 64GB Steam Deck on July 2, 2023.

sfendull - Responder

I lost the screw of the ssd. What can I do?

Mikel Sáez De Eguilaz - Responder

Grosse arnaque ce changement de SSD, j'ai fais comme indiqué sauf qu'au moment d'allumé le steam deck après changement de SSD le deck n'arrive plus à démarrer le mode BIOS, la console s'allume sans le carillon avec un écran gris fixe, le ventilo souffle fort et c'est tout ! J'ai remis mon ancien SSD et tout fonctionne normalement, donc soit votre SSD est défaillant soit c'est une grosse arnaque et ceci n'est pas compatible. De plus c'est assez étrange que ma commande est disparu de votre site, voulant noté le produit en question je me suis retrouvé confus devant la disparation de mon historique des commandes, comme si je n'avais jamais rien acheté... Bizarre tout sa

Benjamin Devillière - Responder

Bonjour @benjaminde55111, je suis désolée d'apprendre que votre redémarrage ne s'est pas déroulé comme prévu ! Veuillez contacter notre service client au (pour la boutique américaine) ou au (pour la boutique européenne et française), en expliquant ce qui s'est passé avec le SSD et la disparition de la commande dans votre espace client.

Claire Miesch -

Dank der Anleitung war der Umbau super easy!

Leider ließ sich eine der kürzeren Schrauben in der Abdeckung nicht lösen. Schraubenkopf dadurch beschädigt.

Alle Schrauben mit PZ 0 Schraubendreher gelöst.

Dieser hat am besten gepasst.

Mein Optiker hat mir dann mit Spezialwerkzeug aus der Patsche helfen können.

wieder zuhause 15 min. Arbeit investiert und nun habe ich ein 2TB SteamDeck.

Jimmy Changa - Responder

The YouTube video was extremely helpful for me as were everyone's supplemental comments. Some takeaways I wanted to share that for me were either crucial or hurdles:

- outer case screws: the four inner came out with a Phillips #0 (some said #00 worked better for them) and #1 on the outer screws

- when disconnecting the battery, apply more pressure on the left side against a plastic ridge to push out the connector and less tension tugging on the fabric around the wiring

- when re-imaging, if you use Balena Etcher, remember to extract the .bz file to .img; it may hang otherwise. On Windows, Rufus will handle that automatically so you don't need this step.

- although I had a USB-C to A adapter that worked well on my laptop, but did not seemingly on the SD. It could have been my 16Gig USB-A thumb drive, still not sure which was at fault. The drive did image across both a MacOS and Windows laptop without issue. After many tries I switched to a Kingston USB-C drive and it worked the first time. :/

Victor - Responder

Thanks for this. Went like a charm and maybe an hour later I am installing games!

Robert Boeckman - Responder

Hello everyone!

I think I damaged my power button while trying to unclip the back cover.

I did manage to do the SSD upgrade, and it made me really proud of myself since it was the first time I've done something like this.

The part that I struggled with the most was unclipping the back cover, I started on the top of the steam deck, where the power button is located.

Maybe I inserted way to deep my pick?

After finishing the upgrade, the first time I turned on my steam deck I had to put a little more effort into pressing the button, but nothing significant at the moment, in the course of 5 days the amount of extra force I had to do the button grew and grew to the point that a had to put a lot a force to turn in on, and now today it won't turn on no matter how much pressure I give, and I don't want to risk breaking the button.

The button does still click though.

So if someone knows how to fix this I would appreciate your help!

Thank you all in advance for all the support!

Milanor - Responder


The power button is a plastic "button" insert that presses against the physical button that's soldered to the underside of the motherboard. It's unlikely that you damaged the physical button when upgrading your SSD. Your back cover, however, may be contacting the plastic power button insert and affecting its action/motion. I recommend removing the back cover again and investigating the power button area for a blockage or a misaligned part. Best of luck in your repair!

Carsten Frauenheim -

This is the first time I followed this tutorial to change an SSD for a Steam Deck. I have replaced one before with no problems but after following this guide the only difference is the battery storage mode and no matter how many ways I try to get it to wake back up it refuses. No LED, No sounds, Left on the original charger for days, and yes I have tried the million different button combos to wake it up. Even reopened it, disconnected the battery, reconnected it, etc. Put the old SSD card in. Literally nothing. This has completely bricked my device and I am so frustrated I am down so much money over a simple fix. Is there any way I can get some help or anything??

Steph D - Responder

Did you try plug in the provided power supply and power it on normally?

Robert Boeckman - Responder

Yes no luck at all no matter what I do I cannot get any kind of LED to work to show if there is power or anything :(

Steph D -

What about the Battery-Storage-Mode . Does it have to be disabled afterwards?

Gruene Energie - Responder

This was pretty simple to follow, took only 15 minutes in total.

Thanks a lot, now I have 2TB instead of 256GB.

That space should last for a while!

Definitely a foolproof guide

Michael - Responder

My experience (upgrading to a Crucial 2TB) - slow and steady wins the race

* Step 3 if difficult, play along other seams with pick

* Step 5, just uncover the screw when peeling back the shielding, no need to remove it, just get room to take screw out

* Step 8, disconnecting battery is best done by using a spudger to push the connector out on each side firmly, back and forth a little at a time

* Step 11, similarly with the SSD shielding, wiggle each side, use a tweezers to help

* During reassembly, firmly get battery connector in with back and forth process. When putting screws in, align correctly and do not cross thread, you may have to open up again in the future.

* Used a small powered USB-C hub with reimaging, took quite a while, just sit and be patient

deilert - Responder

Great guide, but hey man... we should really be making the boot up drive on step one... or at least starting the download. I sped through my fix and finished up only to be greeted with a big download from Steam. It would have been really cool to have knocked that out before I started undoing the first screw.

Keanu Herrera - Responder

Hi, I'm planning to upgrade my steamdeck ssd to a 2tb one, and I've read about adding a copper heatsink to the ssd. If I want to add a copper heatsink to the ssd should I apply the ESD shield on top of the copper heatsink or cover ssd with the ESD shield and then the copper heatsink. Also would adding a copper heatsink add undue pressure on the board? I will add it but I'm worried about the ssd + heatsink + ESD shield package being too thick for the motherboard

Rafsan Zaman - Responder

Awesome guide, I added some information from
Be so kind and buy from iFixit, these guides are worth every penny. Will definitely buy again.

What I am missing though is a way to access the files on the old SSD, bought an enclosure, but all that I can mount is the two partitions called efi. Tried steamOS, macOS and Windows. Any help would be appreciated. Have a nice day!

grmon - Responder

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