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Este teardown (desmontagem analítica) não é um guia de reparo. Para reparar seu/sua iPhone 6, use o nosso manual de serviço.

  1. iPhone 6 の分解, iPhone 6 の分解: passo 1, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解, iPhone 6 の分解: passo 1, imagem 2 %32
    • さあ iPhone 6の時間がやってきました!技術仕様を幾つか確認してみましょう。

    • 64ビットアーキテクチャ搭載A8チップ

    • 組み込み型M8モーションコプロセッサ

    • 容量 16、64、128 GB

    • 4.7インチ 1334x750ピクセル解像度(326 ppi)、Retina HDディスプレイ

    • 8 MP iSightカメラ (1.5µ ピクセル、顔検出) と1.2 MP FaceTimeカメラ

    • ホームボタンに内蔵された指紋認証センサー、気圧計、3軸ジャイロ、加速度センサー、環境光センサー

    • 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi + Bluetooth 4.0 + NFC + 20-band LTE


    yangle - Responder

  2. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 2, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 2, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 2, imagem 3 %32
    Ferramenta utilizada nesse passo:
    Pro Tech Toolkit
    • 私たちはエッジにカーブが採用された新デザインのiPhone 6を手に入れるため、長蛇の列に加わりました。ついに、この時が来たのです!

    • この分解のためにメルボルンにあるオフィスを貸してくれたMacFixit Australia に心から感謝しています。彼らはMacやiPhoneのアップグレード用パーツ/アクセサリーの販売に加えてiFixitのツールキットも取り扱ってくれています!

  3. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 3, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 3, imagem 2 %32
    • iPhone 6はA1586のモデル番号が付与されています。

    • もう世間を騒がせていますが、カメラの突起はiPhone6の上部でひときわ目立っています。Appleはレンズアセンブリよりもレンズの改良を優先しました。このレンズはデバイスの他のパーツよりも若干分厚いようです。

    • この突起はどれぐらい出ているのか気になりますか?カリパスで測ってみると約 0.6 mmの突起です。

    • どうやら今回はレンズの勝ちのようです。

    How will be unlock sim in Bangladesh ?

    Md.Ibrahim - Responder

  4. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 4, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 4, imagem 2 %32
    Ferramenta utilizada nesse passo:
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    • 丸みを帯びたiPhone 6のコーナーのデザインはLightningコネクターとペンタローブネジはないものの、初代のオリジナルiPhoneを思い起こします。

    • 64 Bit Driver Kitを手にとって、ペンタローブネジをiPhone 6から外します。

    • 私たちがこのペンタローブネジを嫌っているのは周知の事実です。しかし嬉しいことにこのiPhoneはデバイスを開口する際に熱を当てる必要がありません。

  5. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 5, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 5, imagem 2 %32
    Ferramenta utilizada nesse passo:
    • iSclackの登場です。この方法でスマートフォンを開口できるとスカッとした気持ちになります!

    • iSclackが空中で、この輝く新iPhoneの羽をはためかせると分かっていますが、もしもの時のため、後で使用する時のために片手で押さえながら作業を行いましょう。

    • フロントパネルアセンブリが開くと、iPhone 6の内部を確認できます。

    Удалите следующие винты с головкой Phillips, которые крепят  кронштейн батареи:

    Один винт длиной 2.3 mm., (обозначен красным)

    Один винт длиной 3.1 mm., (обозначен оранжевым)

    Дмитрий Ирашин - Responder

  6. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 6, imagem 1 %32
    • この手順は誤ったブーメランの使い方ですが、ブーメラン専門家による監視の下で安全に作業を行っています。iFixitはブーメランを使った分解を披露していますが、絶対に真似をしないでください(笑)。

    What exactly is the boomerang supposed to do, or is that a joke?

    Zack Kilgore - Responder

    Dude! Nothing's a joke. As apple uses special screwdrivers for their special screws, they use boomerang to completely detach the front panel assembly from the main unit. I tell you that was very difficult to figure out. But ifixit did it! _/\_

    Tarang Goyal -

    What a 'lame' joke! And such nerds!

    Sam Giler - Responder


    Rexford Dorchester -

    Looking at the "airfoil" on that boomerang it's either a) left handed or b) a piece of junk. Considering the obtuse angle of it's wings, I'd say opening iPhones is it's only useful purpose.

    spatlese44 - Responder

    'I bought myself a new boomerang, but had no space in my back yard to use it'

    Kts - Responder


    My iPhone 6, subiltely, has lost cellular signal. I've changed the complete lighthening connector with , two times. But still no signal.

    Someone could help me, I don't see what could it be ??

    Mon iPhone 6 a subitement perdu le signal réseau. J'ai changé la nappe complète avec le connecteur ligthtening, deux fois, mais sans résultat.

    Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider, je ne vois pas d'où peut venir le problème, une autre piste ?

    Merci, thanks

    guillaume - Responder

    Had a right good larf at this loool

    Delboy1st - Responder

    Удалите следующие пять винтов с головкой Phillips, которые крепят кронштейн шлейфа блока передней панели:

    Три винта длиной 1.2 mm., (обозначены красным)

    Один винт длиной 1.5 mm., (обозначен оранжевым)

    Один винт длиной 2.9 mm., (обозначен желтым)

    Дмитрий Ирашин - Responder

    Bruh you didn't mention earlier that I need boomerang to teardown my phone. Nonetheless I have a boomer is that count?

    Miruxa - Responder

  7. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 7, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 7, imagem 2 %32
    Ferramenta utilizada nesse passo:
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    • このiPhoneの外側に留められたネジは非標準ネジですが、デバイス内部ではプラスネジが使用されています。幸いな事に私たちのPro Tech Screwdriver Setはどんな種類のネジでも対応できます。

    • ドライバーを片手に持ち、メタル製ブラケットに留められたネジを外します。このネジは正面パネルアセンブリを固定しています。

    Obligatory product placement eyeroll

    Toni Jo - Responder

    I understand you're trying to sell things, and that's ok, but it would be nice to explain how to open the phone without a specific $25 tool. I used to think of ifixit as the authority on repairs, but now I have to go elsewhere to figure out how to repair things without these specific tools.

    First Last - Responder

    Have you looked for guides on here? This was a teardown, not a guide, if you want instructions look for that. Not meaning to be rude at all

    Blake Williamson -

  8. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 8, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 8, imagem 2 %32
    • ホームボタンは正面パネルアセンブリから簡単に外せます。ですが、テック修理工のもつ精錬した腕を持っていなければ周囲に覆われたゴム製ガスケットを簡単に裂いてしまうでしょう。

  9. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 9, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 9, imagem 2 %32
    • iPhone 6 Plusと同様に正面カメラとスピーカーは正面パネルアセンブリに搭載されています。

    • これらを取り出して、点検作業のため並べてみました。

    Any idea of why my FaceTime camera lens keeps moving to the left? I have replace my iPhone 6 once already.

    joshhyde - Responder

    +1 for this. Weird crescent moon effect really stands out in black iPhone 6

    Richard - Responder

  10. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 10, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 10, imagem 2 %32
    • これまでのところ、この”小さな”iPhone 6の全体的な構造は兄貴分の6 Plusと非常によく似ています。

    • このメタル製プレートと正面パネルアセンブリがデザインが良い例です。このデザインはiPhone 6 Plusとそっくりです。言い換えると、このケースの中に入ってるものは大幅に改良されたものです。

  11. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 11, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 11, imagem 2 %32
    • バッテリーに付いてくるプルタブがお気に入りです。正しく引っ張れば、バッテリーがスムーズに取り出せて開口ツールで格闘する必要がありません。(そしてこの作業に潜む危険性を軽減できます)

    • この接着剤は3Mの”Command”という商品によく似ています。プルタブを正しく引っ張れば、タブ全体が取り出せます。

  12. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 12, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 12, imagem 2 %32
    • iPhone 6のバッテリーは1810 mAh、3.82 Vのリチウムイオンバッテリーで 、エネルギー容量は6.91 Whです。バッテリーを裏返してみると別の表記でエネルギー容量が7.01 Whまで増加しました!おそらくAppleエンジニアは製造前に6.91 Whとバッテリーに表示したものの、中国での製造中に0.1 Wh増量されたと思われます。

    • Appleはこの28gのバッテリー(サイズは3.75インチ x 1.5インチ x 0.13インチ)で14時間の最大通話時間と250時間のスタンバイ時間が可能と公表しています。

    • これはiPhone 6 Plusのバッテリー容量11.1 Wh、2915 mAhと比べると格段に小さいですが、iPhone 5sのバッテリー容量が1560 mAhであることと比較すれば大幅に増量です。

    • このバッテリーはアイデンティティークライシスに陥っているようです。正面には Apple South Asia (タイ) Limited とApple Japanの表記がありますが、裏側は”made in Huizhou, China”(中国恵州市)と表記があります。

    How does the 28-gram weight compare with previous versions ? And to the iP6 Plus density ?

    64.6 mA per gram is better than competing battery solutions from LG and Samsung ?

    Joao Fabio Tavares - Responder

    Probably the 6.91 Wh is the design capacity and the 7.01 Wh is a measured value

    cabo - Responder

    I don't see an identity crisis for this battery, the Thailand and Japan text are next to mandatory regulatory marks for batteries in those countries (circled diamond logo and circled PSE logo). Between them is a UL recognised component mark (c reversed UR US mark). Presumable it is less trouble for Apple to apply for them through local subsidiaries.

    Bryn Jones - Responder

  13. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 13, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 13, imagem 2 %32
    • 皆さん、グッドニュースです!リアカメラはピンセットで簡単に取り外しができます!

    • iPhone 6 Plusには搭載されているファンシーな光学式手ぶれ補正機能は付いていませんが、その他のスペッック: 8メガピクセルiSightカメラ、ƒ/2.2の開口部、True ToneフラッシュやFocus Pixelsを使ったオートフォーカスといった機能は同じです。

    • 画像処理技術を使ったOIS (光学式手ぶれ補正機能)の効果を真似た手ぶれ補正機能を搭載しています。

    Hope you breakout the calipers and measure the thickness of the rear camera between the 6 & 6 Plus.

    Rette - Responder

    +1 for this -----

    3gfisch -

    That's also the first thing I was thinking about. How cool would it be if you can drop a 6+ camera module in a 6?

    Johnny -

    So would it actually be possible the swap the camera out for the 6 Plus camera?!? Looks about the same size.

    arockstar - Responder

  14. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 14, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 14, imagem 2 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 14, imagem 3 %32
    • アンテナファスナをピンセットで取り出します。

    • このオペレーション(アメリカのゲーム)はお手の物です。さあ次の作業に移りましょう。

    • さて次に待っているのは基板です。この基板はEMIシールドに包まれてとてもエレガントに見えますが、このベールの下に隠れたものを確認しなければなりません。

    I'm curious about the antenna design, how did they fit wifi/bluetooth, GPS, diversity and NFC into the top area?

    Tom Chai - Responder

    I too am interested in how the antennas are configured. Especially how they attach to the phone via the plastic connectors ... are these top and bottom sections removable? Would it be possible to swap them out with a different phones to come up with a different color scheme, among other things?

    RDS -

    In the 6+ teardown (step 27) you show it has rubber gaskets around the buttons. Does the 6 include these as well?

    Bryan - Responder

    Somewhere in the teardown around this stage, this small piece came out and I don't know where from. Anyone know what this is?? It says, "00095-A" with a small box thing at the end of the character string. Thanks so much in advance!

    (showing both sides)




    shauhncy - Responder

    That looks like the interconnect cable just below and to the right of the rear camera module. You can see it in this step. The teardown is not really meant to be used as instructions; for better results, use one of the many guides for the iPhone 6.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Anyone know where I can get the Skyworks 77803-20 Mid Band LTE PAD? I need to fix a phone.

    Jason Younger - Responder

  15. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 15, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 15, imagem 2 %32
    • 基板の正面側を見てみましょう。

    • Apple A8 APL1011 SoC + H9CKNNN8KTMRWR-NTHと表示されているSK Hynix RAM (iPhone 6 Plusに搭載されているものと同一か)

    • Qualcomm MDM9625M LTE モデム

    • Skyworks 77802-23 Low Band LTE PAD

    • Avago A8020 High Band PAD

    • Avago A8010 Ultra High Band PA + FBARs

    • Skyworks 77803-20 Mid Band LTE PAD

    • InvenSense MP67B 6軸 ジャイロスコープと加速度メーターのコンボ

    Does anybody know why Skyworks doesn't list any of these chips on their site? (I'm curious to see if they indeed support LTE Band 12, even though it's not officially listed as supported yet.)

    Chris - Responder

    If we look on real iPhone 6 or 6 Plus board then we can see near of Gyro is available Accelerometer separated it look like on iPhone 5S, possible combo is used on Prototype board or some Chinese revision but global uses separated ic's of Gyro and Accel.

    Filip Pusca - Responder

    how much of logic board ?

    ahmed - Responder

    and how i can get ?

    ahmed - Responder

    what is e-compass?

    Eagle Jiang - Responder

    Can you remove the EMI sheleds and still have the iPhone work after the repair? It seems like one of the connections on the logic board was broken in the removal of the shields.

    Ryan Scott - Responder

  16. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 16, imagem 1 %32
    • 基板の正面側にはもっとチップが搭載されています。

    • Qualcomm QFE1100 エンベロープトラッキング IC

    • RF Micro Devices RF5159 アンテナスイッチモジュール

    • Skyworks 77356-8 Mid Band PAD

  17. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 17, imagem 1 %32
    • 基板の裏側です。

    • SanDisk SDMFLBCB2 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND フラッシュ

    • Murata 339S0228 Wi-Fi モジュール

    • Apple/Dialog 338S1251-AZパワーマネージメント IC

    • Broadcom BCM5976 タッチスクリーンコントローラー

    • NXPLPC18B1UKARM Cortex-M3 Microcontroller (別名M8 モーションコプロセッサ)

    • NXP 65V10 NFCモジュール + セキュアエレメント ( NXP PN544NFCコントローラーを内部に含んでいるよう)

    • Qualcomm WTR1625LRF トランシーバー

    There is the Barometer below the SanDisk NAND Flash. Looks like a BMP from Bosch Sensortec

    Joe Ortaniak - Responder

    Where is the gray outline i cant see it

    russellschoonmakerjr - Responder

  18. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 18, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 18, imagem 2 %32
    • 基板の裏側にはもっとチップがあります。

    • Qualcomm WFR1620 受信のみコンパニオンチップ、Qualcommによると WFR1620 は"WTR1625Lとのキャリアアグリゲーションの実装に必要です"と述べています。

    • Qualcomm PM8019 パワーマネージメント IC

    • Texas Instruments 343S0694 Touch Transmitter

    • AMS AS3923 NFC Booster ICはモバイルやウェアラブルコンピューターのように特別な調整が必要な環境用の現NFCコントローラーのパフォーマンスを向上させため、また汎用性のあるアンテナデザイン要件のためにデザインされました。

    • 私たちはこのチップは 'アクティブなピアツーピアのビットレート [最大] 212kb/s.'を使用する騒音環境でのパフォーマンスを改善するためのNFCフロントエンドであると想定します。

    • Cirrus Logic 338S1201オーディオコディック

    • このテクノロジーを可能にする全チップを認識してくれたChipworksに心から感謝の気持ちを伝えます。彼らの協力がなければこれほどまでの情報は得られませんでした!

    In Step 18, can you identify the chip at the far right of the board, sort of diagonally between the holes at the top right corner and bottom? It's the larger and bottom-most of the two chips at that end of the board, directly above the bottom hole. It appears to also be in the 6 Plus at Step 22 at around the same place on its board.

    jon - Responder

  19. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 19, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 19, imagem 2 %32
    • バイブレーターアセンブリを取り外します。これは新しくなりました…改良されたのでしょうか?

    • バイブレーターのメカニズムは2つの種類があります。Appleはペプシかコーラ、どちらが好きか選びかねているようです。どちらを選んでも明確な答えはあってないようなものです。Appleはこのパーツのデザインをモデル毎に変更しています。

    • iPhone 4(カウンターウェイト)

    • iPhone 4S(リニア振動)

    • iPhone 5/5s(カウンターウェイト)

    • 見た目の形状に基づいて、AppleはiPhoneのこのモデルではリニア振動のデザインを選択したのではないかと推測します。

  20. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 20, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 20, imagem 2 %32
    • 今年のモデルはスピーカーアセンブリに新しいデザインを採用しています。

    • 表記が少ないという理由で、これはiPhone 5sのスピーカーを若干アップデートしたもではないかと想定します。

    They are using a multi-driver speaker, trying to improve the sounds maybe.

    Tom Chai - Responder

    who are the mics and speakers provider? still Knowles or have they changed it? thanks

    Laimo -

    Does anyone know if Knowles is still the supplier of the speakers? Would really appreciate. Thx

    Sam Slant - Responder

    Does the thinner speaker make usage improvement on the space?

    Sam - Responder

  21. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 21, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 21, imagem 2 %32
    • 次にヘッドホンジャックとLightningコネクタに移りましょう。この2つは一つのアセンブリに束ねられており1本のケーブルに収まっています。

    • この新しいユニットは、どちらか一方を交換したい時にそれができないということを意味しますーマルチ機能を持つポートがある場合の残念なニュースです。

    They were together since the iPhone 5, so what is the point?

    Tom Chai - Responder

    can anyone explain the function of the small wire with the gold connection piece on the lightning port piece?

    Varan Cole - Responder

    I'd guess grounding - but ground to *what**? The case?

    jimwitte - Responder

    This seems to be an antenna coax cable with a miniature coax connector at the end. In the picture, it seems to have been "plugged up" with a small conductive foam piece, I don't see why that is necessary, except for preventing dirt to get in?

    Stephan Fuelling - Responder

    Actually nothing is plugged up—the foam lies on the back/top of the connector. Almost every cable connector in the phone has a foam pad on the top to fill the air gap between the connector and whatever lies above it. Helps keep it from jiggling loose while evenly distributing force over the surface of the connector.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  22. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 22, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 22, imagem 2 %32
    Ferramenta utilizada nesse passo:
    • このピンセットは大変役に立ちます。ホームボタンやボリュームボタンなどが付いているデリケートなケーブルアセンブリを簡単に剥がすことができます。

    • 画像のようにして、ボタンアセンブリがiPhoneから取り出せます。

    • これらのアセンブリはiPhone 6 Plusに使用されているものととてもよく似ています。

    объясните пожалуйста, что за пластинка на которой яблоко, на первом фото. за что она отвечает? она ещё слева и справа прикрыта защитой чёрной.

    l7apoBo3uk WP - Responder

  23. iPhone 6 の分解: passo 23, imagem 1 %32 iPhone 6 の分解: passo 23, imagem 2 %32
    • 皆さん、これで終了です!iPhone 6の修理難易度は10点満点中6点です。その理由は以下の通り:

    • iPhone 5シリーズからのトレンドを継続して、ディスプレイアセンブリはiPhone本体から一番最初に外れます。スクリーンの修理は難しくありません。

    • バッテリーは直接アクセスができます。Apple独自のペンタローブネジ用ドライバーが取り外しに必要です。圧着剤を除去する技術を知る必要がありますが、この作業は難しくありません。

    • 指紋認証センサーケーブルはより長くなり、本体の開口作業を安全に進めることができるようになりました。これはiPhone 5sでケーブル切断という問題をめぐり、大幅に改善できたようです。(5sではユーザーがデバイスを開口した際に十分注意していなければ短いケーブルが簡単に切断してしまいます)

    • 変わらずiPhone 6はApple独自のペンタローブネジが外付けケースに使用されています。このネジに対応できる特別なドライバーが必要です。

    • Appleは消費者や個人リペアショップに対して、iPhone 6の修理情報を公開していません。

    wait where is the NFC coils?

    dennis97519 - Responder

    NFC doesn't need "coils" unless it's a low power device. The iPhone is not low power.

    scottwilkins -

    NFC most certainly needs "coils" or a loop antenna to function. This is because of the load modulation defined in the ISO14443 spec. I suspect the antenna is likely the T308S flex shown in step 17 or perhaps integrated into the case using the screw contacts. It would be simple to verify by Ohm'ing out the antenna pins from the AS3922 and the headers from the T308S flex.

    Richard Grundy -

    re: 4355 Z3X2 - design team name for case.

    4355 - weight is 4.55 oz

    Z3X2 - is a little more interesting, Z3X is an unlocking tool for SAMSUNG phones, and this is the first phone with no SAMSUNG chips in it i.e. Apple is unlocked from Sammy!

    Jay - Responder

    Are the plastics bands removable? Do antennas run under them to the outside?

    John - Responder

    The antennas are actually metal side bands, the plastic bands are there just to separate the antennas and the main case.

    Tom Chai -

    Where is the barometer?

    r0534322 - Responder

    I think you should also give credit to the unsung hero.....the screw manufacturer! SFS Group in Switzerland derive more than 10% of their total revenue from Apple and provided around 80 parts in each iPhone 5/5S! Were there more or less screws in the 6?

    Adrian M - Responder

    Can anyone tell me where exactly the NFC antenna location is? Tiny in size?

    Andy Yong - Responder

    My video has only static. I think the rear-facing microphone is bad. I think it is right next to the rear-facing flash. How does one replace that microphone?

    mdavisak - Responder

    i hear a metalic noise when i shake my iphone 6, like a screw that is not fast anymore. recommendations? do I have to unmount everything?

    serena184 - Responder

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45 comentários

Did you take square on high res internal images like you did for the iPhone 5? I love having them as my wallpaper backgrounds. Thanks!

Jamie - Responder

who makes the screen and the driver chip?

adam - Responder

On step 8 you show the home button to have a cable that seems like it connects to the main board .... is this something to take note of when opening it from that bottom edge? Home button in the past contacted to main board with copper springs and not an actual connector

please confirm

Ken - Responder

OK, so Cirrus makes the audio codec. What about the other audio chips? Noise cancellation, audio amp, mic preamp?

Miles - Responder

Anybody know where the Liquid Contact Indicators (LCI's) are located? I didn't see one inside the SIM card reader as it was on the iPhone 5, 5S.

Abel Pajas - Responder

I'm intrigued by the battery improvement and the "identity crisis" with the labelling.

Any chance you could chop one in half to find out if apple is making their own '3D electrode type' batteries using components from multiple countries?

Sebastian - Responder

What is the chip iniside Murata WiFi/BT module?

JJ Wu - Responder


I have checked at the MURATA specs it seems they have Broadcom. May be Apple used them as third party for cost effective customer support. This is WLAN and Bluetooth chipset.



Bharat Penumutchu -

It is hard to rework a BGA chip, but it will be interesting to see if we can upgrade the memory to 2GB.

ogim - Responder

Is it possible to change the camera lens. I think it will gonna break very easy.

Steffen - Responder

I disassembled my iphone, and can not understand where this item came from? Any ideas?

Kolius - Responder

NFC antenna is on the top of phone ,it is just ferrite attached and just a FPC .

Joe - Responder

Nice, but would be nice to have the antennas torn down also.

Bryce Nesbitt - Responder

A low cost Iphone case is available in Amazon. I have been using it for 2years. It is perfectly fit for Iphone 6 plus cover and easy access of all the phone device. This ultra thin flip case specially designed for Apple Iphone 6plus.

bubun123 - Responder

Can you make a list of all materials and show if you can put it back together

Aditya Khowal - Responder

Ou ce trouve le gps

alexandre - Responder

What cools the processor if anything does it have a cooling system

Eli calvillo - Responder

что такое ма/ч и вт/ч? эта статья промтом переводилась?

tucherone - Responder

The sim is inside but the phone keeps saying no service. I was told it was the antenna. Any ideas on how to fix it?

Sara Reyes - Responder

Can you put the guts of and an iPhone 6 into a 6 plus? Or vice versa?

Chris Bubba - Responder

I have been successful, so yes. vica n versa.


Mick -

After getting opened the iPhone I noticed that on the side edges of the body is a sticky black rubber, so I ask you, you must also replace this sticker?

valerio - Responder

nice teardown... but it would had been nice to know where each screw goes... i had teardown an iphone 6 to change the frame and now all my swcrew are everywhere... was hoping to found where they goes here and boom, nope, a joking teardown... nice

Benjamin Valcourt - Responder

We have a complete set of guides for you right here, including screw locations. Teardowns are just meant to be a fun peek at the hardware and overall repairability, and should not be used as guides. For keeping track of your screws I highly recommend a magnetic project mat—it's one of the best tools I own, and I would prefer never to open an iPhone without one.

Jeff Suovanen -

hey guys,

which component contains the LED light for the flash on the rear camera?

Scott Cornez - Responder

The power button flex has the flas on it

Zander Law -

plz can u refer how to replace ther rear mic near the camera coz i recording videos without sound! tnx

Mohammad Me - Responder

We have a guide for that! The microphone next to the rear facing camera is part of the iPhone 6 Power Button Cable Assembly that you can purchase here. The guide to replace it can be found here. Good luck!

Scott Havard -

Would be nice if you included a photo of the main board with the antenna removed. There is a matching network under the antenna flex cable on the back of the board. If I had an image I could tell if one of the matching components had fallen off of my phone.

gac - Responder

хуй пизда залупа пенис хер

а так спасибо большое за этот гаид

vasyarus - Responder

вот она - русская культура во всей своей красе. вот без тупости и убогости ну ни как обойтись нельзя было. молодец, гордись собой..

SvS -

а можно ли в заблокироаный айфон 6+ поставить микросхему от айфон 6 рабочий разблокированный ? ну или хотябы основную начинку. конечно есть вопрос как это будет выглядеть на экране разрешение ведь разное . или может по от 6 не сможет использовать тачскрин прошивку и тд. и тп. кто пробовал? подскажите.

Olzhas Bekzhanov - Responder

поставить можно но работать не будет)

Андрей Pancir -

What an awesome post! Funny and informative. Well done!

David Kellen - Responder

Useless guide, he skipped the step I needed help on.

iffbas - Responder

Hi iffbas! This is a teardown not a repair guide, for a full set of step-by-step guides, consult our iPhone 6 manual!

Sam Goldheart -

where is the 00095-A piece?

alex roland - Responder

Can you make a list of all materials and show if you can put it back together

王子良 - Responder

Where is the magnetometer located?

Chondita Dayton - Responder

Right under the battery connector there is what I think to be an antenna can some one tell me what it is

y fr - Responder

Seriously… less jokes and more details. What sizes were the Phillips screws? It seems like some were 000 and some were 00. Some were longer than others. It would be nice if we knew where they went.

izraul hidashi - Responder

As stated in the banner at the top, this isn’t a guide—but if it’s instructions you need, we have those over here. Phillips driver sizes are not standardized, and vary from one tool manufacturer to the next, so you’ll just have to test carefully and use whichever one fits best. Using iFixit drivers, I usually prefer a PH00 for iPhone screws, but a PH000 works for virtually all of them as well.

Jeff Suovanen -

what is this thing? whatever it is, it was ripped whenever it came with my phone

Brody Dyer - Responder

I have a question I didn’t use a magnetic board because I didn’t have one at the time and my screws got disorganized. How can I figure out which one is supposed to go where

Caleb Dueck - Responder

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