Charging your phone’s battery to 100% is drastically shortening its useful life. But the fix is easy, and while auto companies have known about this and mitigated its consequences for some time, now most major smartphone brands—including Apple, Samsung, and Google—are finally jumping on board.
When we think about battery longevity, we think about the number of charging cycles that it can stand until it will no longer hold a useful charge. The li-ion batteries used in phones, laptops, and other rechargeable gadgets can be charge-cycled a limited number of times before they no longer hold a useful charge. That’s why we want manufacturers to design devices with replaceable batteries.
But that’s not the whole story. How you charge the battery matters, and keeping the maximum charge below 100% can increase the most relevant stat: the total amount of energy the battery can deliver over its lifetime.

Virtuous Cycle
First, let’s look at what happens inside a lithium-ion battery when you charge it. Here’s iFixit’s resident battery expert, Arthur Shi:
“In general, li-ion batteries don’t like to operate near max capacity. My go-to analogy is a sponge and a cup of water. The sponge represents the graphite anode and the water represents the lithium ions.
“When you charge a li-ion battery, the lithium ions have to embed into the graphite (intercalation). When a sponge is bone dry and you pour water onto it, it readily absorbs water. As it saturates, you have to slow down the water input, or water will start puddling on top of the sponge.”
But this last part is not only slower, it’s also the part that causes the most damage to the battery.
“Imagine that the water that puddles on top solidifies irreversibly. This would reduce the mating surface area of the sponge and reduce the amount of water that can be recovered from the sponge,” says Shi. “For a li-ion battery, this is known as ‘lithium plating,’ which irreversibly reduces the battery capacity.”
Limiting the maximum charge gives a substantial increase to the overall life of a battery. If we measure the life of a battery not in cycles, but in the number of electrons it can deliver to your phone over its lifetime, then we’re looking at a possible increase of 400%. That is, your battery could deliver 4X the number of electrons. And yes, that means it could last up to four times as long, according to some simple testing:

“[C]harging to 80% instead of 100% multiplies by 4 the amount of energy the battery will have transferred to you over its life—the only tradeoff being to compromise on how much energy you can get out of a full charge (big slices, small cake VS small slices, large cake). This also means you can use your battery for 4 times longer before it gets to the end of its rated life,” “space mechatronics engineer” Mister Mystère wrote on Stack Exchange last year.
I spoke to iFixit’s independent (and anonymous) consultant, a materials science and engineering PhD and electrical engineer, who confirmed that the general arguments put forth in that Stack Exchange article are good. Although limiting your charge to 80% might not be enough to get the promised 4X increase in lifetime, our consultant said, it might still be one of the best ways to increase longevity.
Another contributor to that same thread, named Kuba hasn’t forgotten Monica, keeps a device in a remote location, powered by a rechargeable lithium battery and solar panels. The battery packs have more than 20X the required capacity and are kept at only 25% charge. “In those conditions, the batteries last a very long time. Going on 12 years now!” they write.

The Fix Is In
Now, it’s possible to keep an eye on your charging gadgets and unplug them before they hit 100%, but honestly, that’s never going to work. I have a Shortcut running on my iPhone that notifies me when the battery gets to 80%, but more often than not I still forget to unplug it.
The good news is that some vendors are starting to build this in. Apple’s Optimized Battery Charging is one take. It learns your daily charging habits, and will charge your iPhone, Apple Watch, or AirPods to 80%, and hold it there, before adding the last 20% just before you need it. If you charge overnight, then it should get topped off just as your alarm wakes you up. “Also, many Samsung phones and tablets have a built-in setting to limit charging to 85% or 80%, respectively,” says Shi.
With laptops, you can install software to do this for you. AlDente Charge Limiter, by AppHouseKitchen, lets you limit your MacBook’s battery to 80% of its maximum (or any other arbitrary percentage), and then top it up to 100% before a trip, for example. And if you leave a modern MacBook plugged in most of the time (hooked up to a monitor and keyboard, for example), then it will notice, and automatically limit charging to 80%.
The problem with third-party apps is that they only run when the computer is on. I use AlDente, but if I apply a software update, or just turn the Mac off while plugged in, it quickly charges back to 100%.

Lenovo’s Vantage Battery Charge Threshold offers more control than Apple’s automatic version, allowing you to specify not only a maximum charge but also to choose a level below which the battery has to drop before it begins charging, so you could have it cycle forever between 40-60% of maximum, for example. With the iPhone 15, Apple has added a setting that lets you limit the charge to 80%. Because it’s built in, it should even work while the iPhone is switched off.
But why isn’t this standard across all gadgets? After all, a 4X increase in overall battery lifetime is a big deal, lengthening the life of gadgets, and also reducing waste when replacing them.
One reason might be that the manufacturers don’t care. Charging a battery to 80% means you only get 80% of the maximum run time before the next charge, after all.
The bottom line is that limiting your batteries’ maximum levels can make a huge difference, saving money and hassle, and avoiding waste. If your device has this option, enable it, and switch it off only when you know you’ll need that extra boost.
If your device doesn’t have the option, and you can install software to do it for you, then do it. Next time you buy a laptop, phone, or tablet, you should put optimized charging near the top of the list, but for most iFixit readers, the DIY way can be just as effective. You’ll be able to eke out a lot more use from the devices you own right now, and you’ll know exactly when it’s time to replace the battery with a new one.
30 comentários
Interesting but... I have several Apple devices for over ten years and they have been charged to the max without any problems. Other things terminated their lives.
Nic - Responder
Lucky you! I tend to notice the useful life drop off within 2 years of a new device / battery swap and tend to find it unusable after 3-4. And that's even with me trying to pull the charger around 80%! Done a number of iPhone battery swaps, for myself and others.
Blair Edwards -
The age of the device also plays a part here! My older 2012 MacBook Pro burns batteries! My iPhone and iPad still running on there original batteries!
Dan -
I set up Apple HomeKit to turn off power to the charger once it reaches 80%. You just need a power plug that’s compatible. It is really rather trivial.
meinioz - Responder
I have something close to that. Using shortcuts app I set an alarm (custom sound bite of Pokemon healing at a Pokecenter) when my phone reaches 80%.
Ice21 -
Just be sure you're not adding software or apps that attempt to "optimize charging" if your modern device already does it natively. Also, if you update your OS fairly regularly many apps that attempt to prolong battery life stop working, as the OS will override their settings in favor of its own battery optimization.
MarVellJones - Responder
I would have thought the manufacturers would automatically limit the charging capacity of the battery based on its maximum beneficial usage. But then it is the obsolescence of the battery that can actually help the manufacturer to sell more newer phones. So while they know what is the right thing to do their marketing and sales will never allow their design and engineering to do it. 😬👎
Solomon - Responder
bruh, you are saving battery by not using 20%, no thanks
Bartosz Ździchewski - Responder
As an engineer, I would be inclined to define the user-observable “Full charge” as 85% of “true full charge as defined by terminal voltage”, thereby solving the problem. Mr. Shi: does Apple do this already in their battery management hardware/software? How about the other manufacturers?
jimbreese - Responder
If you enable the battery protection on a Samsung tablet, it will limit the charge to 80% of the battery capacity and that 80% will be the new 100%, so the display will read 100% when the battery stops charging at 80%. Strangely it works differently on their phones (limit to 85%, also shown as 85%).
BartC -
Sony have been doing this for years... I guess it's about time everyone else caught up.
Matt Allen - Responder
Can confirm my headphones still get 2 full days of playback on the stock battery after nearly 5 years of ~12 hours a day usage.
Blair Edwards -
So much of this is wrong for so many different reasons that I don’t even know where to start
Izzy - Responder
What is wrong? Battery chemistry is fickle! It needs work within a window of charge too little or too large as well as cycle count shortens it’s life.
Different devices can react differently as efforts have been applied. To add to that the batteries construction and even the chemistry is also under charge! All of which creates a blur!
Dan -
I don't know about this. I've got some phones and tablets from 2009 that have always been charged to 100% and they still work. Sure, they don't have as much energy storage capacity as they originally did, but they're still working up to maybe 50% to 80% of original. I wonder what these conclusions are based upon because they certainly conflict with anecdotal evidence.
Mike Smith - Responder
That’s the point! Your not likely getting even 50% of what the device could offer. One of the other issues not stated here is a weak battery will consume more power from your outlet! The charger has to work harder and even the cables and batteries can overheat!
Dan -
Another device to add: Happily had my Framework EFI-firmware (BIOS) limited to 80% and the battery's still singing along nicely 🙂
Blair Edwards - Responder
You also need to watch the money trail! A manufacturer wins here! You need a new battery they often get the repair or just the resell of the battery. But that’s not the biggest windfall for them the replacement device if you are heavy invested in there ecosystem! Which is the bigger pay back.
We can’t let that continue! Our planet can’t handle the Carbon Tax. If a hardware maker really wants to be green (not greenwashing) then both actions are needed controlling the batteries charge and offer easily replaceable batteries. That should not be giving up liquid proofness and water tight to 2 atmospheres!
Dan - Responder
By the time the iPhone battery has exhausted, Apple no longer supports the iOS installed. Usually you have moved on to a newer iPhone before the end of battery life. I purchased a previously owned iPhone with 81% Battery Capacity 1 year ago. When the iPhone reaches 70% or lower in charge, I recharge it to 100%. A year later it is still at 81% Battery Capacity.
RobertS - Responder
Very interesting! I was wondering what would be best practice for a 2021 16" MacBook Pro M1 Max : should I keep it on the charge at 100% (hoping the battery is bypassed when plugged in) and potentially loose some battery charging capacity OR should I deplete the battery daily from 80% to 20% and then charging it back and on and on and potentially using up a lot of battery charging cycles. Thank you if you can provide some clarity on this eternal debate ;-)
Simon-Pierre Dupuis - Responder
I have the same model. If you look at the Battery panel of System Settings, you can click on the ? for Help, which explains that you can turn on Optimized Battery Charging by clicking the circled "i" at the right of the Battery Health line. The system learns your usual usage patterns and will often limit your battery charging to 80% if it thinks you are going to be plugged into power during some set of time that you usually are. By clicking on the Menu bar's battery icon you will get a choice to "Charge to Full Now" if you know you will need that battery fully charged. Evidently Apple thinks keeping the 80% charge will be a substantial benefit and I wouldn't worry much about other manipulations of your charging cycles.
db88 -
I used a Galaxy Note 4 for eight years, bought a refurbished XCover Pro a couple years ago. Both have removable batteries, of which I have a few. All the Note's batteries are scarily bloated! I had set the XCover's recharging to top of at 85%, and would plug it in when it went down to around 40%, but have since stopped with limiting the lower top off. I'm figuring, in troubled times, power disruptions may prevent the opportunity to charge up as often, and I may need the extra 15%. If times get tough, it's one less thing I need to think about. Top it off, and be done.
Timothy Dillon - Responder
Then you should correct your advice in your product description about batteries of your website...
Galaxy Note9 Battery
BELIZON - Responder
For battery calibration, it is necessary to charge to 100%. See our wiki on the topic.
Manuel Haeussermann -
Usually Battery Management Systems (BMS) takes care of this automatically. I work with a lot of Lithium Ion 18650 cells in various types of equipment. They can max charge to around 4.2V, but most BMS will take them up to around 3.2V-3.6V. I can't imagine that Apple is charging their batteries to max capacity. I would suspect that 100% is a voltage below max capacity. The corollary to all this is if the battery falls below a minimum voltage, the BMS will no longer charge them because the it will think they are dead or defective. The range is between this minimum voltage and 80-85% of max in most cases.
Tim Roberts - Responder
"...increase of 400%. That is, your battery could deliver 4X the number of electrons."
An increase of 400% is not 4 times - it's 5 times. Which one is correct?
"...multiplies by 4 the amount of energy the battery will have transferred to you over its life ...This also means you can use your battery for 4 times longer"
Same problem: 4 times longer means a multiple of 5, not 4.
Please be careful in your use of 'longer', 'increase' etc - these terms represent an addition to whatever the existing measure is.
You would obviously say that an increase of 40% is 1.4X, so clearly an increase of 400% is 5X.
Daniel Thackeray - Responder
As far as I know, lithium plating is due to charging too fast and can be prevented by voltage and current limiting. Calendar aging is a major life limiting effect which increases with temperature, state of charge, and various battery design details. Lithium Iron Phosphate cells excel in life maintenance but not in energy density or low temperature performance. A chart at shows how shallow cycles prolong life. For that chart, the cylindrical cells were fully charged in every cycle.
Wayne Robey - Responder
Mine does the same. But I wonder if it's bad to leave it on through out the day.
me and me alone - Responder
I use cheap bluetooth sleep headphones that wear out after 10-14 months of nighly use. I hate the eWaste. CIrcuit board, headband, speakers are good for many more years, but little LiPo 3.7v 150 mAh battery is tricky to replace. Will try charging with an alarm to see if there's a difference. There's a great opportunity here for little programmable charger for all the stupid little rechargeable devices.
Ted Roche - Responder
Galaxay batery charging samsung dabka ilaaliyo
Maxamed Xuseen - Responder